♬♪  Playing for Ukraine  ♪♬

Music for  Peace in Ukraine
Музика на підтримку миру в Україні !!

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"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" is a beautiful and moving piece of music that speaks to the human spirit. The song's lyrics express a deep longing for peace and joy, and its melody is both haunting and hopeful. The ongoing war in Ukraine is a tragedy that has caused immense suffering and loss. In the midst of this darkness, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" can offer a glimmer of hope. The song's message of peace and joy can remind us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better tomorrow -- performed by a Japanese pianist on June 14, 2023 in Miyazaki, Japan

In Tokyo JAPAN, Shizuka Shimoyama, a compassionate pianist, delivers a heartfelt message of solidarity to the people of Ukraine and those impacted by the war through her rendition of Yakiv Stepovyi's "Mriya" (Dream). Its haunting melody eloquently captures the essence of hope and resilience in the midst of adversity. Shimoyama's performance serves as a profound tribute to the unwavering strength and courage displayed by the Ukrainian people, serving as a poignant reminder that even during the bleakest of moments, there is always a glimmer of hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Playing for Ukraine - Traditional Shinto ceremonial Kagura music performed by Nakatake brothers in Nishimera, Miyazaki, Japan

Hirofumi Nakatake and Koji Nakatake
perform a traditional "Shinto" Kagura music, called "Kensen" meaning "something to dedicate" to God or those who died (in Ukraine), at the Murasho Hachiman Shrinein a small mountain village, Nishimera, Miyazaki.

Playing for Ukraine - Saori plays Schumann/Liszt Widmung with love  - Шуман/борошно
Посвята з любов'ю !!

Saori in Miyazaki Japan plays Schumann/Liszt Widmung (Посвята) з любов'ю for all soldiers and citizens in Ukraine.
Please don't give up !!  Будь ласка, не здавайтеся.
We are praying for you. Ми молимось за вас.

State Anthem of Ukraine "Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia" 
Three different arrangements
Три різні аранжування

State Anthem of Ukraine

 "Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia"

State Anthem of Ukraine

"Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia"

State Anthem of Ukraine

"Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia"

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Thank you from the Embassy of Ukraine Japan
Дякуємо від Посольства України в Японії
received on August 25, 2022

Більше інформації
More info at [IN ENGLISH]
Email at playing4ukraine@gmail.com

Music for  Peace in Ukraine
Музика на підтримку миру в Україні !!