About Us

Pakistan Library Association is the representative National Body of the Librarians in Pakistan. The PLA was formed in Karachi in March 1957. Prior to the formation of PLA there was Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group (PBWG) working for the promotion of library activities. According to Dr. Anis Khurshid '' it was PBWG which in its meeting held on July 6, 1954, constituted an Adhoc Committee with H. A. Qazi as its Chairman, to form a National Association for Librarians". The Adhoc Committee members include Syed Vilayat Hussain, Khawaja Noor Elahi, Fazal-e-Elahi and Akhtar H. Siddiqui.

The PLA is responsible to look after the interest of the professional librarians and to work for the development and improvement of libraries both in formal and informal sectors of education and research. The PLA also acts as a liaison between Pakistani organizations with similar aims and objective and international library organizations. It also managed to create a better image of librarians in the society.

The PLA is a registered body under societies Act XXI of 1960. Its membership is open to all library professionals of the country. The Association has organized 17 conferences so far, since 1958 to 2007. In addition to regular meetings, the PLA arranges library seminars, workshops, discussions and book exhibitions etc. It also published Newsletter and a quarterly journal entitled PLA Journal. The Association has a Headquarter and five Branches in four provincial capitals and one in Islamabad in the Federal Capital of Pakistan. The Headquarter of the PLA rotates between Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta every two years.