March 4-7, 2024
Pittsburgh Links among Analysis and Number Theory
a joint conference between University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University
The purpose of the conference is to bring together representatives of two disciplines with multiple points of interface: number theory and analysis.
Please register for the conference (button below) and indicate whether you are interested in support for travel and lodging.
Funding by the National Science Foundation (DMS-2334874) is gratefully acknowledged.
The talks are open to the public. We ask that everyone who attends any talks registers at the button below. See you at PLANT!
The Speakers
Olivia Beckwith
(Tulane University)
Alexander Iosevich
(University of Rochester)
Robert Lemke Oliver
(Tufts University)
Zane Li
(North Carolina State U)
Benjamin Linowitz
(Oberlin College)
Cezar Lupu
(Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications)
Amita Malik
(Penn State)
Alexandria Rose
Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh
(Carleton College)
The Venue
Oakland campus of Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hall of the Arts (HOA) room 160, the Cooper-Simon Lecture Hall
121 Tech Street, Pittsburgh 15213
121 Tech Street, Pittsburgh 15213
Registration is free, but mandatory
Please register if you anticipate attending any of the talks as this will assist in preparations for the conference.
You are free to come to as many talks as you like, whether or not you hear from us.
Funding is available for junior participants.
The deadline for first consideration for funding has passed (as of January 22). If you are still interested in funding support that may become available, please register and email the organizers.
The Organizers
Theresa Anderson
Armin Schikorra
Carl Wang-Erickson