

The chlorophytes includes a lineage of about 4,000 species of aquatic green algae. They are a sister group to the land plants, and their green algae relatives. The chlorophytes have unicellular, colonial, and multicellular representatives. Most are free-living in water, but some form symbioses with lichens, and can survive as terrestrial algae.


The chlorophytes are represented by approximately 11 families: 

These last two group are covered below and in class.

Right: Gulbrandsen et al. 2021, Figure 1


Above: the colonial chlorophycean algae, Volvox, which grows as a colonial organism


Above: an ulvophycean alga, Codium

Above: the chlorophycean alga Chlamydomonas

Above: "moss balls" or marimo are clusters of the filamentous ulvophyte, Aegagropila

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