Energy and the Environment

Student Service Learning Projects in Edgewater, Fall 2021

Construction Waste

Introduce methods and policy to make new construction more sustainable in the Edgewater community by lessening the environmental impact of construction and demolition waste.



by Riley Miller, Mark Wyrzykowski, Colten Cary

Indigenous Art and Space

Propose to bring indigenous art, recognition, and ecological restoration into a natural space within Edgewater.



by Isabella Cook, Auby Barth, Mikayla Orrico

Solar Energy Kiosks

Propose to implement solar powered energy kiosks in Edgewater, which can power street lights and include panels to display local arts and sustainability education materials.



by Matt Lorentz, Denny Cervantes, Elian Nunez, Jack Poulton

Affordable Energy Saving Methods

Saving energy and improving sustainability can be affordable. Small changes in our lifestyles and households are attainable to create more efficient and sustainable homes.



by Lauren Sapochetti, Naomi Alvarado, Emily Driehaus, Joanna Szeremeta

Solar Panels on Green Roofs

Combining roof vegetation with solar panels can increase the efficiency of the solar panels, and bring both environmental and financial benefits.



by Jana Rokitta, Gabrielle Gordon, Lily Poor, Julia Scime

Energy Storage for Microgrids

Propose the implementation of microgrid systems in Edgewater to reduce reliance upon the main electrical grid by using lithium-Ion battery storage units that is charged via solar panel.



by Sangeen Durrani , Jose Roman, Nick Redman, William Dellapenna,

Sustainable Businesses in Edgewater

Discuss the importance of supporting sustainable businesses by featuring local Edgewater businesses that employ sustainability practices in these categories: restaurants, grocery stores, and clothing stores.



by Patrick Walker, Nikki Hayes, Joey Dryoel, Grace Ramirez

Sustainable Murals

Propose ways to create sustainable murals, allowing both safe practice—while conserving energy expenditure—and giving the freedom of expression.



by Sofia Bongarzone, Melina Iatridis, Jessica Wiess, Simran Walia

About this Project

In this Service Learning project of Energy and the Environment in fall 2021, Loyola students worked in eight groups and provided service to the Edgewater Environmental Coalition. Each group produced a brochure and a video as their final products for EEC and people in Edgewater to use and consider.

Instructor: Ping Jing

pjing at; 773-508-7560