Pit bull parents love their “pitties” and sometimes we can get a bit obsessive, but we know that our pits are part of the family and we will go to extreme measures to keep our fur babies happy. Being a pit bull owner is not an easy task especially when we are always so busy at work. With our high-tech society, the pet industry is helping busy dog parents to stay connected and keep their fur babies healthy and happy while they are not home through technology for dogs.

Society is obsessed with technology and we all love their dogs. If you combine both of these loves, it makes perfect sense why you must have the following tech gadgets. Below I will introduce five tech gadgets that are perfect for pit bull parents:

I. FitBark

FitBark is a fitness monitor for dogs which looks at your dog's activity level. It tracks how much time your dog spends at different energy levels, compares your dog to other dogs of similar breeds to assess energy level, shares data with your vet, and factors in data from your own technology.

II. Whistle

While we try to stay healthy as adults, we are now paying more attention to keep our dogs healthy. Whistle is one of the most popular ways to keep track your dog's activity. This device clips to your dog's collar and keeps track and logs when your dog is moving and when he's relaxing. Just like FitBark, you can compare your dog's activity to other dogs of the same breed/age/weight, identify how they rank among the others, and set goals for daily activity to keep them healthy. It also allows both parents to check in on the data, so everyone has full accountability of their dog at all times.

III. No More Whoof

If there is one thing every pit bull parent would want to know is, “What is my “pittie” thinking?” A team of Scandinavian researchers is working on a device called, No More Woof. This device will be able to translate your dog’s vocals and behaviors so that you know why they are barking at the door or why they simply won’t stop staring at you. This technology is still in its prototype phase and the researchers have only uncovered brain patterns that translate to, "I'm tired," "I'm excited," "I'm hungry", and "Who are you?". The more complex thoughts are being worked on and soon we will be able to have conversations with our dogs.

IV. Petcube

Many pit parents worry when they go to work or are out running errands because they wonder how their “pittie” is doing. Petcube contains a wide-angle HD camera, a microphone and speakers and a pet-safe laser pointer. You can watch and hear what your pit is doing, talk to them through the speakers, and play a game of laser chase through your SMART phone while you are not home. The goal is to stay connected with your pit while you’re gone and keep them active so they aren’t sleeping the whole day while you are working. The cube also has a mobile app that allows you to share photos of your pit going crazy with the laser pointer or being naughty when they think no one is home.

V. iFetch

iFetch is the perfect gadget for the dog who needs to be entertained while exercising indoors. It allows the owner not to be stuck throwing a ball for hours. The device comes in three sizes and allows your dog to play fetch on their own. The dog drops a tennis ball into the device and it launches it for an endless game of fetch. iFetch launches the ball between 10-30 feet, depending on the setting you choose. It can run on battery power or or be plugged into the wall. This is the perfect gift for “pittie” parents that do not want to feel guilty because they rarely play with their loved ones.