

1.Wang,S.H.,&Ting,P.H.(Forthcoming),One destination two Images:A social Media text analytics to uncover tourist peceptions of Beijing, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Mangement. June 2020, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 36-50

2.Minyi Zheng, Shiang-Lih Chen McCain, Jeff Lolli, Ping-Ho Ting.(2019),Mining online comments to understand customer satisfaction with hotel technologies: A comparison of hotels in Beijing and Washington, DC, Applied Marketing Analytics,Volume 5(1) ,pp. 69-82

3. Ting, K.C., Ting, P.H.,* & Shiao, P.W. (2014). Why are bloggers willing to share their thoughts via travel blogs?, International Journal of Technology Management,Vol.64(1),pp.89-108(SSCI, impact factor = 0.636, *Corresponding Author)

4. Chung, C.Y., Hsu, P.Y., Wu, H.S., Lu, R.S., & Ting, P.H. (2014). Balancing the Load of BI Queries in a Cloud Computing Environment, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol 15(1),pp.87-102(SCI, impact factor=0.481)

5. Lai, K., Hsu, P.H., Ting, P.H., & Wu, C.C.*(2014). A truncated sum of processing-times-based learning model for a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service, Vol 24(2),pp152-160( SSCI, impact factor=0.683)

6. Ting, P.H., Wang, S.H., Bau, D.Y.,& Chiang, M.L. (2013). Website Evaluation of the Top 100 Hotels Using Advanced Content Analysis and eMICA Model, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,Vol.54(3),pp.284-293(SSCI, impact factor = 2.13)

7. Pan, S., Ting, P.H., & Bau, D.Y. (2013). Perceptions of Taipei as Revealed in Travel Blogs: A Tale from Two Sides, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, DOI:10.1080/10941665.2013.779590(SSCI, impact factor=0.359)

8. Ting, P.H. (2013). An Efficient and Guaranteed Cold-Chain Logistics for Temperature-Sensitive Foods: Applications of RFID and Sensor Networks, International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business,Vol.6,pp.1-5(ISSN: 2074-9023 (Print), ISSN: 2074-9031 (Online))

9. Tseng, C.Y., Ting, P.H*. (2013). Patent Analysis for Technology Development of Artificial Intelligence: A Country-Level Comparative Study, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice,Vol.15(4),pp.456-468(SSCI, impact factor=0.664, *Corresponding author)

10. Ting, P.H., Kuo, C.F., & Li, C.F. (2012). What Does Hotel Website Content Say a property -An Evaluation of Upscale Hotels in Taiwan and China. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol.29(4),pp.369-384(SSCI, impact factor=0.865 )

11. Ting, K.C., Wang, H.C., Kuo, F.C., Tseng, C.C. & Ting, P.H. (2012). Analysis and Comparison between the energy efficiency of HT and non-HT MAC in 802.11n, Journal of Advanced Materials Research Vols. 433-440, pp. 2991-2996. (EI).

12. Ho, S.C., Ting, P.H., Bau, D.Y., & Wei, C.C. (2011). Knowledge Sharing Intention in a Virtual Community : A Study of Participants in the Chinese Wikipedia, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking,Vol.14(9),pp.541-545(SSCI, impact factor=1.842)

13. Ho, S.C., Wang, Y.C., Pauleen, D., & Ting, P.H.€(2011). Employee Perspectives on the Performance of Supply Chain Systems: the Effects of Attitude and Assimilation, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.Vol.10(4),pp.1-24,(SCI, impact factor=3.139)

14. Ting, P.H., Pan, S., & Chou, S.S. (2010).Finding Ideal Menu Items Assortments: An Empirical Application of Market Basket Analysis, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Vol.51(4),pp.492-501(SSCI, impact factor=2.13)

15. 丁冰和 、黃貞樺、賴宜汶、洪慧依、金燕吟、陳國明(民99)。以行動研究為基礎的餐廳硬體改善策略研究-以台中市禮來居餐廳為例。東海學報,51,107-121

16. 丁冰和、賴宜汶、黃貞樺、洪慧依、金燕吟、陳國明(民99)。以顧客價值為基礎的餐廳菜單改善策略研究-以台中市禮來居餐廳為例。東海學報,51,123-137

17. Hua Yang Lin, Ping-Yu Hsu,Ping-Ho Ting, "ERP Systems Success: an Integration of IS Success Model and Balanced Scorecard", Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology,Vol.38,August,2006 (SCI)

18. C.C. Yang,Ping-Ho Ting,C.C. Wei, "A Study of the factor impacting ERP system performance from the users perspectives", The Journal of American Academy of Business, volume 8, no 3, March, 2006(ABI index)

19. Ping-Yu Hsu, Ping-Ho Ting, "POCA:A User Distributions Algorithm in Enterprise Systems with Clustering", Journal of Universal Computer Science, volume 12, no 2,2/2006, pp160-186(SCI)

20. Ping-Yu Hsu,Ping-Ho Ting, "Profile Oriented User Distributions in Enterprise Systems with Clustering", Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Volume 3222, 10/2004, pp230-237(SCI)

21. 許秉瑜,陳智宗,陳志安,張維捷,丁冰和。「建構Lattice網際網路查詢系統之實作研究」,資管學報,十一卷,第1期,93年1月(TSCI)

22. 丁冰和,謝秀娟,「中州技術學院二技生學習滿意度調查之研究」,中州學報,第16期,91年1月

23. 陳美嬪,丁冰和。「網路財務新語言-XBRL」,會計月刊,第184期,90年3月 pp102-104

24. 丁冰和,張本杰,陳彥佑,黃元鶴。「虛擬商場的建置研究」,商業職業教育季刊,第74期,88年12月,pp57-61



  1. Ting.,P.H.,Huang.,C.W.,&Yu.,Y.Y.,Mining Inner Feelings of Chinese Restaurants from Online Comments - Thes case of Taiwan and China, 2019 International Conference of Hospitality,Sport,and Tourism Management,2019.8.28-30,Osaka,Japan

  2. Yu.,Y.Y.,*Ting.,P.H.,&Wu.,S.L., Mining and Validating the Foreigners' Peception of Taiwanese Local Food Experiences from Youtube, The 9th ICOT(International Conference on Tourism)Conference.2019,6.26-29 Porto,Portugal

  3. Niu.,F.J.,&Ting., P.H.,A study of opinion mining on the negative reviews on Taiwan's bed&breakfast-In case of Taiwan, China and Western tourist. The 16th ApacCHRIE Conference 2018,5.31-6.2,Guangzhou,China

  4. Tsao,F.M.,Ting, P.H. & Wang,S.H.,Inspire or not inspired?Mining Taiwan's perceptions from Youtube. The 16th ApacCHRIE Conference 2018,5.31-,6,2,Guangzhou, China

  5. Wing-Ki So, Ping-Ho Ting, A framework of Mining Taiwan destination image by Hong Kong representative forum, The 15th ApacCHRIE Conference 2017.5.31- 6.2, Bali, Indonesia.

  6. Wing-Ki So, Ping-Ho Ting, Analysis the trends of HongKongese travelling to Taiwan, The 14th ApacCHRIE Conference 2016.5.11-13, Bangkok, Thailand.

  7. Chun-Hao Chang, Ping-Ho Ting, A Study of Exploring the Taiwan Destination Image Differences Between Western and Eastern Travelers on Social Network Sites - In Case of U.S.A. and C.H.N. visitors, The 14th ApacCHRIE Conference 2016.5.11-13, Bangkok, Thailand.

  8. Kan.,M.Y.,& Ting.,P.H.,Family overseas travel motivation preference, and IPA study.,The 14th ApacCHRIE Conference 2016.5.11-13,Bangkok,Thailand.

  9. Chun-Hao Chang, Ping-Ho Ting, Perceptions of Taiwan as Revealed in SNSs: Compared with Eastern and Western Vistors, 2016 International Conference On Tourism Dynamics And Trends 2016.5.4-7, Antalya, Turkey.

  10. Ping-Ho Ting The 5th International Conference of Academy of Applied Business,2011.6.9-10,Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Kuo-Chang Ting, A prototype of Website Content Evaluation on on Taiwan Upscale Hotels Websites.

  11. Ping-Ho Ting,Chia-Ming Li, and Chen-Feng Kuo,An Evaluation of Upscale Hotel Websites in Taiwan and China, The 8th APacCHRIE Conference 2010.8.12-15,Phuket, Thailand.

  12. Yung-Fa Huang,Ping-Ho Ting and Tan-Hsu Tan, 2007,Application of Fuzzy Logic for Adaptive Interference Canceller in CDMA Systems, accepted and to appear in Proc. of the Twentieth International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Kyoto, Japan, June 2007.

  13. P.H. Ting, K.C. Li and C.C. Wei, "Development of User Distributions in Enterprise Systems with limited Buffer Sizes in Application Servers in 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM´2006 July 14-15, 2006, Leipzig/Germany

  14. P.H. Ting, K.C. Li, P.Y. Hsu, C.C. Wei and H.K. Liao, "Distributing Users with Profile and Buffer Constraint in Enterprise Systems", in AINA'2006 The 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2006

  15. C.C Yang,Ping-Ho Ting,C.C Wei, Study of the factors impacting ERP System performance-from the users perspectives, 2005 International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology,2005,5.17~19

  16. Ping-Yu Hsu,Ping-Ho Ting, Profile Oriented User Distributions in Enterprise Systems with Clustering,IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing(NPC 2004), 10/2004, pp230-237

  17. S.C. Ho andPing-Ho Ting, A study for construction and implementation of Supply Chain Management, The sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, 05/2000

  18. Ping-Ho Ting, A framework of intelligent agent for e-supply chain,ƒ‚2000 Agent Technology Workshop, 05/2000


  1. 張均豪、楊博凱、丁冰和,"風景區之發展與創新:以苗粟飛牛牧場為例",於2016年9月22日於2016海峽兩岸休閒產業與鄉村旅遊學術研討會,國立暨南國際大學,台灣鄉村旅遊協會主辦

  2. 丁國章, 連 裕 勝, 吳森琪,丁冰和, "個人授信評量因子之研究-以新竹地區L銀行為例",於2013年4月26於新竹明新科技大學2013現代管理與創新學術研討會,明新科技大學主辦

  3. 丁冰和,包冬意,"菜單菜色命名對消費者影響之研究" , 於2012年8月26-27於北京第二外語學院2012海峽兩岸旅遊觀光研討會,由北京第二外語學院,廈門大學,高雄餐旅大學,國立暨南國際大學主辦

  4. 丁冰和,包冬意,賴宜汶,"遊客對生態旅遊行為意圖之研究:計畫行為理論之延伸",於2012年4月1-2日於國立暨南國際大學管理學院,由國立暨南國際大學,亞洲大學,中國中科院地理所,台灣鄉村旅遊協會主辦

  5. 丁冰和,"海峽兩岸民宿網站內容說什麼",2011海峽兩岸都市農業與鄉村休閒產業學術研討會,於2011年8月14至8月15日由中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,安徽師範大學,台灣暨南大學,台灣亞洲大學北京農學院共同主辦

  6. 包冬意,蔣妙苓,丁冰和,全球百大旅館網站內容評估之研究,第十一屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 99, 5 大葉大學

  7. 包冬意,陳怡潔,丁冰和,民宿網站內容評估之研究-以台灣與大陸為例,第十一屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 99, 5 大葉大學

  8. 包冬意,莊子毅,丁冰和,全球50大旅遊局網站內容評估之研究,第十一屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 99, 5 大葉大學

  9. 丁冰和、賴宜汶、邱昭瑋、龍怡珍、陳文卿,餐飲主管參與對科技接納程度探討之研究-以PDA 無線點餐為例,東海大學第一屆餐旅管理論文研討會,98,5,台中東海大學主辦

  10. 丁冰和、謝樹蓉、張惠喻、林佳玟、姜子涵、劉宏茵,菜單菜色命名對消費者知覺風險及消費意願的影響研究-以中式菜單為例,東海大學第一屆餐旅管理論文研討會,98,5,台中東海大學主辦

  11. 韋俊仲,何順全,丁冰和。「SCOR在紡織產業供應鏈應用」,第二十一屆纖維紡織科技研討會,05/2005,台南女子技術學院主辦

  12. 何順全,丁冰和。「一個以品牌通路為主的電子業供應鏈之研究-以M公司為例」,第四屆全國ERP教學暨個案研討會,09/2004,國立中央大學及弘光科技大學主辦

  13. 丁冰和,蒲鈺璇,許秉瑜,呂俊德,蔡文賢,范懿文,鄭明松。「ERP系統導入對公司內部的資訊品質的影響-以台灣地區製造業為例」,第九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,10/2003,大葉大學主辦

  14. 丁冰和,楊仲卿,許秉瑜,呂俊德,蔡文賢,范懿文,鄭明松。「我國ERP系統導入之類別及導入後影響分析-以台灣地區製造業為例」,第九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,10/2003,大葉大學主辦

  15. 顧敏搖,丁冰和,賴柏嘉,趙嘉榮,洪盈昆,曾宗育。「虛擬社群結構對網站忠程度影響之研究」,第九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,10/2003,大葉大學主辦

  16. 丁冰和,葉鴻權。江靜姿,熊文君,「銀行網路化對消費者行為影響之研究」,2002年製商整合學術暨實務研討會,11/2002,嶺東技術學院管理學院

  17. 丁冰和,黃元鶴。「中型機械產業ERP系統導入模式之研究-以R公司為例」,第二屆全國ERP個案研究與教學研討會,10/2002,中央大學主辦

  18. 陳美嬪,丁冰和。「XML對財務報表的應用-以XML為探討」,第十屆管理教育研討會,2001,雲林科技大學主辦