About us

Find here more details about our graduate program in Economics at Federal University of Pernambuco. Unlike most graduate schools of Economics in the United States, we follow the Brazilian academic hierarch, which splits graduate school between a two-year academic master program and a four-year doctorate program. The former is composed by one year of required courses and a dissertation defense, which resembles second year papers in most PhD programs abroad, while the latter is a four-year program made of required and electives courses plus a thesis defense. Students are allowed to apply for the doctorate program after finishing theirs masters´ program, but selection is open to student from other programs as well.

Alumni Placement

  • McKinsey & Company

  • Deloitte Brasil

  • Inter-American Development Bank - IDB (Washington DC, United States)

  • World Bank (Washington DC, United States)

  • Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)

  • Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE)

  • Confederação Nacional das Indústrias - CNI (Brasília)

  • Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos (CGEE) do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia

  • Instituto Brasileiro de Estatística e Geografia - IBGE (Rio de Janeiro)

  • Banco Central do Brasil - BCB

  • Tesouro Nacional (Brasília)

  • Fundação Joaquim Nabuco (Recife)

  • Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

  • Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste - SUDENE (Recife)

  • Ministério Público Federal (MPF)

  • PUC Rio (Pós doutorado em Economia)

  • Faculty of domestic Universities: UCB, UFPB, UFRN, UFBA, UFMT, UNEMAT, UFRR, UFPE, UFRPE, UPE entre outras.

Former students of our master program, seeking a more intense international experience, had successfully applied to PhD Programs in Economics worldwide. In the last decade, our students were accepted in the PhD in Economics in the following Universities:

  • Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Spain)

  • University of Alberta (Canada)

  • University of Barcelona (Spain)

  • University of Bologna (Italy)

  • University of Bocconi (Italy)

  • University of British Columbia (Canada)

  • University of California - Davis (United States)

  • Universidad Carlos III (Spain)

  • University of Georgia (United States)

  • Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EESP

  • Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EPGE

  • Southern Methodist University (United States)

  • University of Groningen (Netherlands)

  • University of Illinois at Chicago (United States)

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States)

  • University of Nottingham (UK)

  • University of Oregon (United States)

  • University of Southern California (United States)

  • University of South Florida (United States)

  • University of Tennessee (United States)


The PIMES Graduate School of Economics is placed in the UFPE campus in Recife, which has restaurants, several libraries, sports club and a convention center that attracts great music, dance and other live performances. The Arts and Communication Center (CAC), also on campus, offers language courses for students who aim to invest in international careers.

More precisely, it is placed on the Center for Applied Social Sciences (CCSA). The building provides a complete infrastructure for the good performance of academic activities, with air-conditioned classrooms equipped with projectors, computer labs, auditorium for large conferences, as well as an amphitheater for seminars and workshops. The center also has its own library, restaurant and cafeteria. PIMES students have exclusive rooms for group study, with no check-in and check-out time, reserved for program members.


Required courses:

*Required only for Doctorate Degree

Elective courses contemplates Applied Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Finance, Regional and Urban Economics, Political Economy and Development Economics

Fellowships (Master and Doctorate Degree)

Accepted students compete towards fellowship from National agencies such as CNPq and CAPES. In the last decades, a vast majority of our students count on some financial support.