Pier Luigi Mazzeo
I have received Msc in Computer Science at University of Salento in 2001 and since then I am working on several research topics regarding Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision and deep Learning. I joined in 2002 the Italian National Research Council of Italy CNR as researcher. The most relevant topics, in which I am currently involved in projects includes algorithms for video object tracking , face detection and recognition, facial expression recognition, deep neural network (CNN) and machine learning. I have authored and co-authored of a total of 80 publications, including 10 papers published in international journals and book chapters. He has, also, co-authored 5 national and international patents. I act as a reviewer for several international journals and for some book publishers. Since 2004, Pier Luigi has been regularly invited to take part in the Scientific Committees of national and international conferences.
The aim of this Special Issue is to discuss the latest innovations in deep learning technologies applied to computer vision and image processing contexts also from a software development company perspective. The Special Issue will be focused on: No-Code Deep Learning—TinyDL—Full-stack Deep Learning—General Adversarial Networks (GAN)—Unsupervised and self-supervised DL—Reinforcement Learning Few Shot —One Shot, and Zero Shot Learning
he goal of this Special Issue is to collect the latest developments in the application fields of precision agriculture and fire preventions. Both these two contexts were traditionally on-field tests for computer vision-based algorithms and methodologies. With the growing availability of hyperspectral sensors—that are more effective compared to multispectral remote ones—the approach to fire prevention and precision agriculture is quite different, providing an unexpected and powerful support to workers. Papers on the latest research challenges, case studies and on-field applications, limitations, and advantages of different platforms and sensors as well as future perspectives are welcomed.
National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (ISASI)
DHITECH - University Campus of Lecce
Via Monteroni s.n. - Lecce - 73100 - Italy
email: pierluigi.mazzeo_at_cnr.it