Postgraduate International Coding theory Seminar
PICS is an online seminar series designed for junior researchers who work in the area of coding theory. The aim of the seminar is to give an opportunity to PhD students and early-stage postdocs to present their work and to interact with the other participants.
NEXT SEMINAR - March 11, 2025 - 4:00pm CET, (11:00am EST)
Sakshi Dang
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Enumeration of minimum weight codewords of affine Cartesian codes
Let m, u be positive integers and let Fq denote the finite field with q elements. Affine Cartesian codes are linear error-correcting codes obtained from evaluating polynomials in m variables of degree ≤ u over a Cartesian product of the form A1 × · · · × Am, where A1, . . . , Am are subsets of Fq . These codes were first discussed by Geil and Thomsen in 2013 in a more general setting and were formally introduced by Lopez, Renteria-Marquez and Villarreal in 2014. Reed-Muller codes and Reed-Solomon codes can be considered special cases of affine Cartesian codes. In 1970, Delsarte, Goethals and MacWilliams gave a characterization of minimum weight codewords of Reed-Muller codes and also enumerated them. Extending the work of Delsarte et al., Carvalho and Neumann in 2020 considered affine Cartesian codes in a special setting where they considered the sets A1, . . . , Am to be nested subfields of Fq and gave a characterization of its minimum weight codewords. We give an explicit formula for the number of minimum weight codewords in this special case of affine Cartesian codes. As a corollary, we deduce the known formulas for the number of minimum weight codewords of Reed-Solomon codes and of Reed-Muller codes.
This is a joint work with Sudhir R. Ghorpade.
Kirsten morris
I am a PhD student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln advised by Christine Kelley and Tefjol Pllaha.
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