Curriculum Vitae


In addition to the above, I have done a reading course in algebraic combinatorics with Sarah Mason

Work Experience

Consisted of writing the curriculum for the Freedom School program mathematics lessons to introduce Title I students grades K-8 in attainable upper-level math concepts

Serving as a high school mathematics student teacher in Kevin Scharen’s classroom of the Alamance-Burlington Early College 

Serving as a Front of House employee at this family owned business to provide service to the community

Designed and taught my own course on topology (specifically Algebraic Knot Theory). 

Conferences Attended and Talks Given

Gave a brief talk on Non-Zero Classes in Khovanov Homology. See presentation here

Khovanov Homology postcard included in this link

Gave a talk on what it means to study mathematics past calculus. Slides are here
I was the organizer of the EWM Conference which consisted of two plenary speakers and multiple student talks along with networking opportunities and spaces for underrepresented groups to share their experiences.

Programs, Clubs, and Volunteering