I have been able to replicate it via doing the below:

I turn the hearing aid on and hear the typical Phonak intro song.

8-10 seconds later I will hear an electric piano-type tune of 3 keys which starts high, mid then to a low tone. I have never heard this before and only today has this happened.

We should pay particular attention to the covering of the hammers. It is this which, along with the hammer blow, determines in part the quality of sound of the instrument. At present Prevously hammers are were covered with yellow deerskin, or with a special kind of green or gray felt made from the fur of rabbit or hare died grey or green. Today hammers are covered with fine wool felt, which is much superior, for the quality of tone and maintenance of the instrument, to the old coverings. The deerskin is was very reliable and long lasting, but it is was difficult to find it in good quality, which leads many manufacturers to use felt, because they are able to obtain a perfect evenness and a quality of sound that is preferable for many people. However, it is less long lasting than deerskin, the strings cut it easily, especially in the high treble, and so it becomes necessary to recover the hammers after a certain period of time. Whether one uses felt or deerskin, in order that the hammers be well and reliably covered, the covering must be very tight, properly glued, and cut neatly. They must also travel very squarely to the strings, and neither to one side nor the other, so that they don't strike the neighboring strings. ; it made it very difficult to even out the piano, and often gave an inferior tone; rabbit or hare felt gave a good quality of tone, but it was abandoned because of its short duration.

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Hi all, Please kindly let me explain further on this: All the software I have seen in the web for playing sounds seems to be always restricted to the musical ratios (musical notes) defined by any of the existing musical scales. However, I need to make a chord with any number of string-type sounds, so that I could assign any arbitrary frequency to each of them, frequencies choosen at will (not related to any existing musical scale).

I know that by previously using the table command the time response is reduced, however I didn't find the wayto use that in this dynamic case, I just have to directly use large piecewise functions within the play command.

In this synthesizer the harmonics for simulating musical-instrument timbre are calculated using interpolating functions and the avalilabe harmonics-data of current musical notes.The manipulate routine could be improved using AudioGenerator

We do agree, calculating the harmonics this way for the guitar timbre is a crude approximation, however, if you have in mind experimenting with some particular frequencies, then you should find the real harmonics by using a real musical instrument and a spectrum analyzer.

I think, at this point, I must made the following remark: Even considering those delays in the Mathematica Play command, no other software allows you to do things like this, I think all this a great.

No, it is just that I was trying to paste the code directly into the screen (I didn't notice there is a button for uploading files but just for images), so I previously converted it to a .txt file. Later I realized the button was there.

By the way, the number of sound buttons of this app could be increased and they could be arranged as piano keys icons, or guitar string icons. I hope to see people contributing to this open project, mainly on improving the time response of the PLAY command.

I suggest that you send Wolfram a suggestion that AudioGenerator should accept instrument names ("Piano") as well as standard waveforms ("Sawtooth"). I'm pretty sure that this is possible -- hard for us, but perhaps not so much for the developers.

The name of this application is: FREE MUSIC, FREE SOUNDS As all we know, almost all synthetizers are restricted to the use of just the well-known musical notes,as a consecuence, if I want to make some research on consonance, then I have to restrict my investigationto the musical tones imposed by musicians and their sacred musical scales, no pun intended, indeed, becausemusical scales became kind of sacred religion.

Using dynamic input variables, piecewise funtions and Manipulate rutine, this app allows to play chords of up to 6 notes, assigning any frequency value to each note, at will, without any musical scale restrictions at all.**Besides, you can assign up to 12 harmonics amplitude values to each note in order to get any desired pitch.The harmonics can be edited at any time for each sound, and saved for further playing or chord inclusion.**

At the botton of the console there are four buttons with pre-assigned harmonic values to simulate guitar, piano, flute and violin pitchs. By this time, only the guitar pitch is fully functional (it took me a lot of work to make the guitar harmonics-table using an Spectrum Analyzer, as well as the interpolating functions to embrace all the proper harmonics at any frequency level)However, I hope to do the same task for the other pitchs: piano, flute and violin, very soon.

Each sound can be saved and played at any time ( 'Play Sound' button at right), besides any sound can be added to the chord at will.The attached image shows the chord of just two sounds: 110 and 220 hertz assigned to the chord which can be played using the 'Play Chord' Button at right.

A plot of all the waves added to the chord is included at the right bottom of the console, by adjusting che Chord Duration you will be able to see the resulting wave form. In this way, the sound play time and the chord play time can be adjusted at will. 152ee80cbc

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