The robotic prototype of a sports instructor monitor is equipped with a music player and indicates commands by voice. It also manages more sportswomen robots that follow it on its moves. The ingenuity is based on SMART BAT CARS of chinese origin. But with the intention of being customized with a carcase, maybe made with a 3D printer.

The app that we use is designed with App Inventor 2. It can direct all the robots at onces or only the main robot alone, that is the one that has a protoshield on and a speaker. The app "Robot_Monitor" consists of icons for actions, therefore it is understandable in all languages and for user's of all ages. The robot includes two BLE modules per head. The songs and commands are kept into a micro SD board and you can add new ones. The Arduino program can also be saved there. It has a capacity of 32GB but can be changed perfectly by one of less gigas of memory.

The Instructor robot ("monitor robot" in Spanish,) can follow trayectories on the floor like circles and spirals selecting the appropiated icons. It also follows lines like the original bat car. It plays discreet sounds of notices and other simple melodies emitted by its buzzer, simultaneously with those of the 3W speaker. The Bluetooth Low Energy modules save energy, as their name let it shine.