Motion 1-D


Phys- TikTok 1D motion video

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Motion: "Objects are in motion everywhere we look. Everything from a tennis game to a space-probe flyby of the planet Neptune involves motion. When you are resting, your heart moves blood through your veins. And even in inanimate objects, there is continuous motion in the vibrations of atoms and molecules. Questions about motion are interesting in and of themselves: How long will it take for a space probe to get to Mars? Where will a football land if it is thrown at a certain angle?"


v0 = initial velocity

v = Final Velocity

a = acceleration

t = time

Dx = Displacement

We use a set of kinematic equations to solve the problems and they are shown to the left of the page.

TikTok Problem 2:

In a Jackie Chan - action movie, a bullet train passes through a station entering with an initial velocity of 22 m/s (~ 49 MPH) and decelerating at a rate of 0.15 m/s2 as it goes through the station that is 210 m long. A stunt man, who plays Chan, is at the farthest end of the station as the train enters, ready to jump in and cross the tracks. His recorded time to do that is 6 s, including getting up and down the platform. Is it safe for him to do so for real?