The assignments

Student Librarian 1 Units

  1. Dewey Decimal system and shelving books (include shelving guide)
  2. Library orientation
  3. Learning the library databases
  4. Library periodicals
  5. Internet research and website evaluation
  6. Readers' advisory and promoting fiction
  7. Annotated bibliography for non-fiction research
fiction assignment options.docx
book website rubric.pdf
Periodicals assignment (lib 1).docx
periodicals rubric.pdf
Montana tribe web evaluation chart.doc
web eval rubric.pdf
poster rubric.pdf

Student Librarian 2 Units

  1. Collection development, including collection management policies and library material challenges
  2. Curation tools (online tools to find, manage, and share information)
  3. Cataloging and weeding
  4. Programming and marketing of programs and services
  5. Library Careers
book rationale rubric.pdf
Untitled document
content curation rubric.pdf
curation assignment.docx