The Preset Manager lets you save or load your presets for contours and tools. Each set of presets has its own file extension and default folder. Optional preset files are available inside the Presets folder in the Photoshop application folder.

You can save the presets anywhere. However, if you save to the appropriate Presets folder in the default preset location, the set will appear at the bottom of the panel menu after you restart Photoshop.

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I installed the 2020 update this morning, and when I look in the Preset Manager, all I see are Contours and Tools. No Brushes, Patterns, Custom Shapes, et al. The presets are all therewhen I go to use them, so they're not gone, but they don't show in the Preset Manager. Is anyone else having this issue?

Same here... It would be definitely better to have one place to manage all the presets rather than to move to a specific panel everytime... As vickim68445947 mentioned, it should be additionally shown in the manager rather than only in the respective panels...

I have saved a large number of tool presets for Mixer brush, Pattern Stamp tool, Smudge tool and Art History brush from my previous (on another laptop) installation of Photoshop. There, once loaded, the tool presets remained listed and visible when you went to select one from the drop down menu. But on my new install of PS (21) the tool presets load fine, but when you close PS, and reoprn it, the tools are no longer listed, tool-by-tool, in the tool preset windows.

Hi David,

Sorry to hear about the tools disappearing after saving them, I would recommend making a back up of everything and then reset the preferences of Photoshop back to default and then reload the presets again and let me know if the issue occurs again.

I reset all preferences and reinstalled a tpl set of art history brush tool presets. They listed until I restarted PS. Then, as before, they were no longer there. So that did not work. Any other solution?

I agree with you entirely RW-P. I had a simple system before the changes which kept saved and new tool brushes (tpls) separate from the brush brushes (abrs) - clean and easy to bring up whatever I wanted quickly. Now I have no tool presets and all my saved tool presets are in the same place as the brushes in categories which I find awful to navigate. If we must have the new brush holder please can we have our tool presets still appearing in the tool preset drop down menus.

Workspaces aren't among the presets made for the Preset Export Manager. That's more for brushes, adjustments, actions, etc. (Migrate presets, actions, and settings)


There is a folder in your system that holds the workspace presets. With more information as regards your OS, perhaps we can help direct you to the correct location to find that folder.

It looks like you have an installtion problem there should some to select if you have any preset in your Photohops application data. If you do not have any it may bet empty. In that case use the Import tab and see if you can import presets from any prior versione of photoshop. Select prior verion usere application data foldete for Priob Photoshop version and import the one you want imported.

I am having a similar issue, except in my case the only preset that shows up is a workspace. My brushes, tools, patterns etc are not there. I definitely have them in Photoshop, but manually loaded each one from a saved copy I use to back things up. Would manually importing/exporting presets cause an issue with this system?

I am trying to load .xmp presets into Photoshop, i am a windows user and i've copied my presets to C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings but when i open Photoshop then camera raw and go to the preset section i see the default Photoshop presets not mine, Any ideas??

There are 32 new presets in the Adjustments panel that you can hover over to see what your image would look like with each preset applied before selecting it. Once a preset is selected, it can be further refined by editing the automatically created adjustment layers in the layers panel.

You can continue to edit the same photo (or upload a new one) and save new editing looks as new presets. By following the steps above, you can begin creating a collection of original presets that you can always easily access by clicking the preset icon on the control panel.


I am trying to install my preference files onto photoshop on a differnt machine, I want to do this without manually moving my preference files in AppData as this is not compatible in situations where Appdata has been locked to the user on a work machine.

So then the funky outcome... it appears to have been placed where it was meant to be placed, as it shows up in the export column of the import/export window as well as appearing in the Workspaces folder of photoshops presets folder but does not actually load in the workspaces menu (window/workspaces).

Im wondering if its sending it too the wrong folder as photoshop seems to have the same presets folder in its program directory as well as appdata, however I don't know how I would check which directory its actully useing for settings.

...but that folder only has a small subset of the presets. Mostly just ones that were imported from elsewhere, or Guides for example. The rest are in various .psp files in the first folder I mentioned above.

Do people use Photoshop presets for their images? If so do they have any recommendations for where to find affordable/free ones to get started. Or do people have opinions on why they never use them?

Could you please share the version of Photoshop & the operating system you are working on? Has this started since a recent update of Photoshop or Windows? Have you recently imported a large batch of presets in Photoshop?

Thanks for the prompt reply. This issue - and the attached warning (see img)when opening PS had been continuing for months, only managed by not syncing presets. As below, I have mostly fixed it.

In essence, to change synced presets I needed to work with Photoshop that had preferences reset etc. and then allow Preset Sync, DELETE all the presets that were synced, until preset status showed they were all gone, (see img) and then load up my saved presets as desired. Note (for others) that when I said NO don't keep my presets on the cloud, when turning off Preset Sync, (see img) they were still there when I came back. I had to manually remove everything).

It took a few rounds of deleting presets, closing PS and reopening to clear all the presets from Sync. (Some seemed very stubborn) Then I could import presets and arrange what I needed.

[The part that wasn't mentioned in the how-to, was to ensure I had exported and saved any presets that I wanted access to again - like shapes, patterns, gradients etc. - saving them OUT of the Adobe folders.

I think this gets missed by most Adobe consultants and should be included whenever a reset of some kind is suggested. I have seen and heard many, many users that have lost presets or other settings (like modified workspaces, actions and more) because Adobe got them to reset everything. There must be ways to keep copies of some of these and re install as needed..? ]


What number of each preset - swatches, patterns etc. is the maximum for sync (see img) and what is the quantity that won't mean Photoshop is very slow to open? Or is it the file size of the .pat or .grd or .asl etc that will affect performance?

I started getting a message at photoshop start up "Something went wrong while syncing your presets. Please try to restart photoshop to recover " But restarting photoshop makes no difference. I'm using windows 10 pro. Nye suggestions would be appreciated...Thanks , Terry

I have seen where Etsy did for a bit of time remove new shops that had presets but that didn't seem to happen with older shops but basically I know little about them other than presets are not a finished product and there are plenty of free ones available.

I know "presets" may be considered a dirty word in the realm of retouching. I realize they can't apple to every single photo and things still have to be retouched a different way in each photo. And, I also realize that it's far better to edit your own photos your own way.

However, I know next to nothing about how to edit photos. Despite playing with photoshop and Lightroom for awhile, I still fine the learning curve incredibly daunting. I need to find some proper books or videos to begin learning it all, but I admit I don't even know where to start...perhaps someone can give a recommendation?

I would start by looking at the Lightroom Queen website for lots of good information about Lightroom, including books which are either free or reasonably priced. Then you have which has great free LR & PS tutorials by Julieanne Kost. I would suggest avoiding presets -- you will never learn if you start out with them. 006ab0faaa

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