Armada is a real-time strategy game in which players select a faction from the Star Trek universe and build fleets of starships and space station bases to conduct battle. Four playable factions are featured in the game: the Federation, the Klingons, the Romulans, and the Borg. A handful of ships from other Star Trek races appear in campaign missions, including Ferengi, Cardassians, Dominion, and Breen. Each faction fields six different classes of starship ranging from scout to capital ship, which also possesses a unique tactical ability. In addition to weapons and shields, players can capture one another's ships and stations. Two primary resources are used in the game: crew and dilithium. Crew is automatically generated over time via starbases. Dilithium is mined from moons by resource gatherers.

The Borg, wanting to secure the particle at all costs, assimilate a Dominion cloning facility and use it to clone Locutus, the former title of Jean-Luc Picard when he was assimilated. With Locutus leading their armada, the Borg take the Omega Particle from the Romulans and assimilate Ambassador Spock, who is trying to mediate between the Klingons and Romulans. Without him, the two empires go to war, and the Borg are able to enter the Solar System. Locutus and his armada defeat the Federation fleet, kill Worf and Demming, and assimilate Earth. However, Picard and the Enterprise manage to escape through a temporal vortex created by the Premonition.

Star Trek Armada Patch 1.3 Download

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Nick Woods of AllGame gave it four stars out of five, saying, "In summary, Star Trek: Armada is a game that keeps your pulse moving and your mind working as well."[23] John Brandon of GameZone gave it eight out of ten, calling it "an excellent RTS game that's to play. 3D graphics help immerse you into the Star Trek universe, and scripted missions give everything an arcade feel. Never too innovative, the game still ranks as one of the better offerings in the RTS genre."[24]

The game takes place on and around stardate 53550 (as well as a brief interlude into 2364), just after the end of the Dominion War. Relations between the allies have deteriorated slightly, with the Romulans and the Klingons once again in dispute.

Having escaped from Worf in "Vendetta", Toral has assembled a formidable fleet, and launches an assault on Martok's starbase. The base must be held until the Avenger arrives, when Martok evacuates to the Defiant-class vessel, and leaves the sector, bound for Qo'noS, to present the Sword of Kahless to the Klingon High Council.

With the Borg in pursuit, Sela's fleet must negotiate the sector to reach a Romulan starbase beyond a wormhole at its edge. The Klingons are also in the sector, and Sela's fleet is too small and too vulnerable to take on a large force. The containment vessel is taken through the wormhole, and Jal'par remains behind to deal with the Borg threat.

The Borg have assimilated Jal'par, and learned the location of the Romulan starbase which is the temporary home of the Omega particle. With limited resources, the Borg must assimilate nearby vessels and starbases to gain enough ships to successfully capture the base. The Borg discover that the Federation is arranging a conference between the Romulans and the Klingons. Such an alliance would jeopardize the Collective's goals, and Locutus dispatches a vessel to intercept the Federation's ambassador, Spock, before he reaches the conference.

To use another civilization's technologies, capture a construction ship and/or an enemy starbase. Example: A Federation player has captured a Borg "Assembler". That player uses it to construct all Borg facilities, including a transwarp gate.

The Venture is one of the newest additions to Starfleet's armada, with production beginning in 2374. It is a lightly-armored, highly-maneuverable scout vessel capable of deep space as well as atmospheric flight. The Venture-class ship has limited space, restricting a large crew complement. The vessel is primarily designed for reconnaissance and short-range exploration. It is equipped with a forward firing pulse phaser, should it need to engage in combat.

So I'll start with the basic fleet of scouts/etc, and 1 uni-constructor, and if I take my eyes off the darn thing it'll decide, "Now I'll build a complex" even if I don't want it there. Any way to stop that? I toggled autobuild on and off again, I've let it stay in its default 'off' state but it'll still build it. Basically I like to try to wait to figure out where the best place to build it is based on flight lanes, or save that first one to push my outer borders a bit but like I said, if I take my eyes off, it seems to do whatever it wants.

Finally, some progress.

This version, plus attached configuration file, can show the intro movie and main game menu in an almost perfect way. The main glitch is that the animated menu (using the bink animations in the animations game folder) hands while hovering the mouse on the surface.

Unfortunately, the following menu texta are invisible and you can't start a game.


I would restart with Armada using patched version 1.3.0 and this export file in attach.

Everything seems almost ok (apart from the options / graphic settings menu, awfully flickering) until you have to chose a single player mission. The menu is stuck.

On my testbed (DxWnd v2.03.35, Armada patched v1.3.0, Win7 OS, the exported file I just uploaded..) I see the video resolution screen too, but as soon as the mouse is moved to reach any of the possible selections, the menu disappears. Also, the single user game start menu in my configuration doesn't higlight and pick the start button (the one labeled "O.K." in your screenshot). I get the same situation of that screenshot if I just turn the mouse flags off, and in such a configuration the game is somehow playable, but the menu navigation is quite difficult. I think there must be something missing in my handling of mouse events. Let me make some experiments and rethink that part of coding ....

It's difficult to describe how this feels for us as a team. What started as a personal project for a frenzied Dutch booty-pirate in 2012 has grown into what we would call a small phenomenon, with hundreds of thousands of unique downloads and players from all around the world of every race, creed, gender and orientation. It's been a long, often tedious, sometimes stressful but mostly fun road, and it's one that as a team we are so proud to have traveled.

As I say, Armada 3 started out as a personal project for Max, then a budding 3D artist. Since then this team has grown into more than just a group of modders. As a team we've been parts of each other's lives for years now. We've witnessed each other's triumphs, supported each other through hard times, lamented (and, let's be real, secretly laughed) at failures, and whole-heartedly cheered at successes. We've seen each other's careers start and fall apart, marriages and divorces, the deaths of loved ones and the births of children. Team members have come and gone, and even though we're spread over thousands of miles around the world and many of us haven't actually physically met, the members of Stellar Parallax, past and present, have become, I feel, an unusual and very special group of friends. Here's to all of you, gents!

The road to this final re-release has been long and rocky. There have been discussions, arguments, blow-ups and reconciliations. It started as a simple patch designed to address some of the more glaring bugs still present in Armada 3, overlooked by a team that was, to be honest, eager to move on to other projects. But what started as a bugfix gradually grew in scope, until it finally became a full-blown project unto itself that recaptured our excitement for Armada 3 and committed us to seeing to it that this mighty mod sailed off into the sunset having reached its great potential. And the driving force behind this project can be suummed up in a single word - Bane.

Rite well lets star with wat i got i got a soltek sl-k8an2 MainBoard a 3100 sempron socket 754 and over clocking it upto a 2.02Ghz 512 mb ram running 400mhz windows xp with service pack 2 i have patch for armada 1.2 and im running a Nvidia 5500 fx 129mn AGP graphics i have tryed everything to get the visual glitches out of armada i thought it might be my windows so i re-installed it i changed my bios settings ive tryed putting it into win 98/me compatability ive upgrade every bit of software i have on my computer but it still doesnt solve the problem. On the other hand my sisters computer which i built for her has a msi mother board socket A with a sempron 2.0Ghz But is running at 1.56 she has a Nvidia 5200 fx graphics card she has windows xp service pack 2 all patches for armada 1.2 and yet she has no vishal glitches wat so ever so i though this my be my hardware "Graphics card" so i swaped it for my sister but alas nothing still the same problem. So i have come to the conclusion that the high spec hardware u have the less like the game will run proply i have also read other posts on other site that also suggest the same thing im sry this is no help to u but i thought it would stop u from doing wat i have done and stayed up for 24 hours trying to figure it all out

Little is known about the Borg's origins. They are a cybernetic collective that appear to be native to the Delta quadrant, having been encountered there by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Galaxy-class starship Enterprise-D in 2373. The Vaadwaur alluded to this nascency as well as the relative innocuousness of the Borg in the past during their discourse with the Voyager crew.

Early game, the Borg are lacking firepower and defenses outside its capital ships and technology upgrades are more expensive than other factions. Opponents can thus bully Borg players and put them on the backfoot. As the Borg player research technologies and introduce its capital ships to the fleet, the mid game swaps around dramatically and the Borg are able to siege many planets. As the Borg move into the late game, its existing capitals are leveling up and the more fearsome battleships and heroes start appearing. Few can match the sheer power of the late game Borg fleet backed by their massive economy. Assuming one can kaput a Borg fleet, the Borg Unicomplexes are massive fortresses that take time to scale, giving the Borg economy the ability to fabricate another powerful fleet and keep the fight going. 006ab0faaa

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