My preference is to install all my software programs (Office etc.) on the SSD drive for simplicity and orderliness. All my files, photos, documents on the HDD. But I'm not sure how this affects overall speed and performance.

You should install Photoshop on the same drive that contains your operating system because if you install only Photoshop on the SSD, It would only 'run' faster if the data files that Photoshop is reading or writing are also on the SSD. Otherwise, opening/start-up/loading are the only areas that you'd see improvement in speed.

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Plus when I opened my Lightroom and Photoshop from the SSD and deleted from my Harddrive, Adobe said I had to instal the programs, so clearly I need to reinstall from the beginning so it knows its now longer located on the main hard drive?

If your system drive is running low on space, clean it out. There is always a lot of junk that can be removed. Most of it is in your user account, where it accumulates and piles up over time.

On Windows there is a superb little utility called WinDirStat, which shows you in a graphical interface exactly what is filling up your drive, and exactly where it is. There is a Mac equivalent, but I can't remember what it's called.

Keep it simple. The system drive should contain the OS and all your applications. All of them, but nothing else. With a fairly normal configuration of applications (including a range of CC apps), all of this should not take up much more than 90-110 GB. Anything more than that, and you can start cleaning up.

I am experiencing an issue with Photoshop 2022 (Ver 23.0.1) in configuring my scratch disk. I currently have 3 hard drives, 2 are internal SSD drives (C:\, D:\) with 1TB each. The other (E:\) is an external 1TB backup drive. All drives have 200+ GB of space. The only drive recognized is C:\. I have restarted several times holding CTL + ALT to try and make changes. As shown in the below photo, the only drive recognized at startup and Preferences is C:\.

Thanks again for the help. Reached out to some other sources and got a solution or workaround for the issue and that was to go to Photoshop.exe in Explorer, right click and grant Administrator privledges. Now when I open PS I get a small spalsh screen asking me if I want to "allow this app to make changes to your device?" I click "Yes," the program opens and I am able to see all drives. From that, I selected a scratch disk to use.

Thanks for the prompt response. Went through the steps in the solution hypertext, unfortunatley, the same situation exist. PS 2022 (ver 23.0.1) is only able to see the C:\ drive. Reverted to 23.0 and still the program only sees the C:\ drive. Any other ideas?

I set up a new user account with full administrator priviliges and with both versions of PS 2022 the results were the same - no recognition of the other drives. PS 2021 performed as it should, showing the 3 hard drives in the alternate account.

Thanks for your perseverance on my issue. Much appreciated. Here are screen shots of the drives showing the General and Security tabs views. Please let me know if there is any other information you need this end.

Well, I just spent 1 1/2 hours CAREFULLY going through the process step-by-step as outlined in the documentation. I restarted my computer and brought up PS 23.0.1. The C:\ drive still remains as the single option for a Scratch Disk. The D:\ and E:\ drives are not shown as options. Nothing has changed.

The other thing we just noticed is the name of the drives is all the same "OS" - If you give the drive unique names does it work? (try not to use names of default OS directies like Documents or Applications - and use unique proper names like "Steve" and "John")

I had this exact same issue - choosing to run as administrator now means I can see all drives and allocate the one I want as scratch disk loaction, however now that I've doen this, I can no longer drag and drop jpegs into PS!

Just to report that I have exactly the same problem. Photoshop only sees the C:\ drive when trying to set the scratch disk to another drive UNLESS I run it as an administrator. It doesn't see any other disk D:, E:, F: or whatever... They are all accessible, no permission problem, and they have a lot of available space. Of course, any other application on the system can access these disks and read from and write to them. What on earth is this code doing when enumerating the system drives ?

By the way, please don't ask the same questions as above because you'd get exactly the same answers about resetting the preferences, adding a new user, giving detais about disk properties and technologies, etc. Just, I can't save an image to any of these drives from Photoshop (unless I run it as an admin). I can do that from any other imaging software, though. The message is

I have a solution for this Problem... This is it You need to format the orther hard drives before you fix it in the laptop. This is why you're formatting; If you had windows on any of the HDD and you changed it to your SSD you have to format the HDD so that photoshop will See the HDD in the laptop.

Had the same problem w/ PS 2022, on a Windows 10 Pro machine, and used the solution as Vino suggested. Worked like a charm. The only caveat is to make sure if you have any data on the drive, is BACK IT UP. Did not experinece similar issues w/ versions of PS 2023 or PS Beta.

Hello everyone! I can't use Photoshop anymore because it says that the scratch disk is full. I have been researching and it is obvious that it's because I need more memory in my hard drive in order to use the program. I am planning to buy an external hard drive in order to solve it; nonetheless, I am worried that Photoshop won't recognize the hard drive like it has happened to me before. Is this because I should always reformat it for me to finally use it in Photoshop? Or is buying a hard drive for this purpose not the correct solution?

It look like your Mac Photoshop is not supporting your external disk for scratch space. On Windows Photoshop supports scratch one external storage like USB3 hard disk. Photoshop does not support USB Flash drives. Windows regards these as removable storage. Photoshop most likely does not think movable storage is appropriate for scratch space.

So buying an external hard drive or SSD for Mac and then reformatting it would be the best option? I have deleted a lot of applications as well as used iCloud and Photoshop still notifies me scratch disk is full.

I keep getting the "scratch disk is full" and I'm wondering if I can change the C drive to One drive. I have much more space in my one drive, but I don't see where I can actually change the location..I am clicking and double clicking everything in this menu but am not given any more options.

I've run into a very strange issue and wondered if anyone has had similiar problems. From yesterday (I had not updated or changed anything whatsever), whenever I open Photoshop CC 2022, my internal hard drive space flutuates slightly. I've been told this is normal (ish). The main issue is now that when I perform a batch edit of many images (file-automate-batch) with one of my favourite actions, my internal hard drive goes down and down (500mb every few seconds!) until I'm alerted that my hard drive space is nearly empty and I have to 'Force Quit' the app before my computer has a meltdown! After qutting, my hard drive reading goes back to normal (230GB). The RAM usuage goes down and down as well but I expect that because I'm running tasks but that is a little worrying as well beacuase I assume that will slowly go down to 0 and then make me stop what I'm doing.

We're sorry about the trouble with Photoshop. Photoshop uses your computers drive as Scratch disk when you're working to create temporary files & as cache. The amount of space that Photoshop uses depends on the size of file you're working on along with the number of files you're working on.

My scratch disks are full and I keep bailing out all unnecessary files off my computer library but the notice keeps coming back! I want to use my external hard drive as my scratch disk instead of my computer's hard drive but it doesn't come up as an option when I go into Preferences to change my scratch disk. I've looked into this issue and it seems like I have to re-format my external hard drive to a weird format to make it a valid option that the computer recognizes. Is this a thing? (I'm on a Mac). Please help! I'm doing graphic design for a company and this is so frustrating!

A terrible idea. What is the fastest SD card available? 100Mb/s with the wind behind it, and providing you have a really good card reader. I am sure that reading and writing to scratch files is a serious bottleneck, and it gets worse if you use a lot of Smart objects. If you really need to use an external drive for scratch space, look at a USB3 drive that comes with its own power supply, like the Seagate Expansion. They are good for 180Mb/s.

If you just have the one drive, then you might be able to free up a bunch of space. If it was a Windows system, I'd suggest WinDirStat to see what is clogging the drive, but there is a Mac equivalent. You'll need Gene or another Mac expert to suggest what can go, but the best plan is to relocate some things to a second drive. Your

If I click on that blue rectangle it tells me it is Windows hibernation which is 25Gb on my system, and something you don't need. So disabling it would immediately win me 25Gb of space and it's a PITA anyway. The only reason I have not disabled so far on this system is that I have a 500Gb boot drive, but I have noticed that I can't wake Photoshop from Hibernate, so will be getting rid soon. e24fc04721

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