Every day, many developers post new apps or games on our Apps and Games forum. We scour the XDA forums for interesting new Android apps that we think you might like, and some of our favorites have even received special attention from us. There are so many apps released each day that finding a truly unique and fascinating app can be like picking a needle out of a haystack, but that's exactly what we've done today. A developer on our forums came up with an innovative solution to the problem of using tall Android phones with one hand. Called "Reachability Cursor," the app creates an on-screen cursor that you can drag to perform taps, long presses, and drag gestures.

You set up what are called "Swipe Pads" to trigger the Reachability Cursor. The Swipe Pad can either be on the Bottom, Left + Right, Left, or Right edges of the screen. (The Left and Right Swipe Pads all begin from the bottom half of the screen.) When you start your gesture from your selected screen edge, your finger will hover over the tracker. The tracker lets you move the cursor on the screen to the area where you want to perform a tap, long press, or swipe gesture. The cursor disappears automatically if you don't make an action. It's fairly simple and, in my opinion, really intuitive.

Download Reachability Cursor

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You can customize the width of the Swipe Pad, whether there's haptic feedback, the inactivity timeout, cursor and tracking area, cursor size/color, and effect colors. You can also add what are called "Edge Actions." These actions, such as opening notifications, Quick Settings, recent apps, etc., are performed by pushing the cursor against a selected screen edge.

This then grants Reachability Cursor the permission to write to Settings.Secure.enabled_accessibility_services to toggle the app's Accessibility Service, com.niftyui.reachability/com.niftyui.reachability.service.LiteService. Thus, the app can turn its own Accessibility Service on and off without user intervention. It's a neat trick to get around the known performance problems that Accessibility Services can cause.

Use a computer-mouse-like cursor/pointer to control big smartphones like the Note series effortlessly with one hand. The perfect app for power users that make extensive use of swipe gestures for navigation and glide typing keyboards.

Reachability Cursor is an Android app that aims to make it easier to use large smartphones by introducing a cursor that you can operate one-handed. You simply create a virtual trackpad on part of your screen that lets you swipe and click with the cursor.

You can start using the app right away once that is out of the way. Swipe up or down in specifically designated areas to display the cursor on the screen and control it by moving the finger that activated it around on the device.

The cursor and a larger circle are visible on the screen of the device when you activate the functionality. To activate something, move the cursor on it, e.g. an icon, and tap on the circle to simulate a touch action. Doing so over an application launches it on the device.

Reachability Cursor: one-handed mode mouse pointer is a great application for users who use big Android devices. Designed to control the device with a single-hand, it may also be useful for users who prefer to use a cursor instead of their hand directly to activate certain elements on the screen.

Reachability Cursor es una aplicacin que nos permitir acceder cmodamente a las esquinas ms recnditas de la pantalla de nuestro terminal Android, por muy grande que sea esta. Cmo? Muy fcil, al instalar la app podremos activar unos panales laterales situados a izquierda y derecha de la pantalla que, cuando deslicemos el dedo sobre ellos, activarn un panel tctil que podremos utilizar para mover un cursor sobre la pantalla. De esta forma podremos llegar, sin problemas, a cualquier esquina.

Reachability Cursor: el puntero de ratn de modo de una mano es un cursor potente similar al ratn para smartphones y tablets Android. Te permite controlar tu dispositivo con una sola mano, utilizando una pantalla tctil.

Samsung has updated One Hand Operations+ with a new virtual cursor that will allow users to use their Galaxy devices with one hand. The One Hand Operation+ already has a decent set of features that makes it great for one-handed operations.

The virtual cursor, as the name suggests, will add a cursor to the top of the screen which you can control from a virtual pad at the bottom of the screen. This will be particularly great Galaxy S20 series owners as the new Galaxy S series is pretty big for one-handed operations.

Hay distintas soluciones para el mismo problema. Samsung piensa que One UI es la respuesta, aadiendo todos los objetos accionables abajo, mientras otros apuestan por un modo solo una mano, que reduce el tamao de la pantalla para momentos puntuales. Aqu tienes otra solucin: una app de accesibilidad con un cursor que manejas con una especie de trackpad.

Al hacer un toque sobre el trackpad, se replica dicho toque en la posicin del cursor, aunque aqu vienen las malas noticias: para replicar el toque prolongado necesitas la versin de pago, por 3,99 euros). Este pago te abre las puertas a una mayor personalizacin sobre la posicin del trackpad y el rea de accin.

Reachability Cursor works by placing a floating handler on the edges, which you can think of like a computer mouse. Use it to drag around the cursor; to tap an element, you have to "single-click" the handler itself.

There's a good reason behind dividing the concept into two floating icons instead of one. The handler always stays about two inches away from the cursor, letting you reach corners you wouldn't be able to otherwise with a single hand.

The whole process feels snappy. It's something I wish every phone maker would take notes from---especially Google since it doesn't offer any reachability tools. The developer even seems to have ensured the cursor doesn't accidentally activate. It stays out of your way when you don't want it.

You can get a rough idea about the working of this app from the above-posted illustration. Reachability Cursor is available in both free and paid versions. Paid version works fine for most of the time but when it comes to the customization you need to migrate to the paid version. This application makes use of Accessibility capabilities of a device to provide swipe pad on the screen. By controlling the pad you can easily control the cursor which works a virtual touch on your device. e24fc04721

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