The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon that the electrons pop out when a light beam incident on a metal surface.

It can be thought that the energy of light is transformed into the form of electrical energy.

However, electrons will only be emitted when the light is incident on the metal at a certain frequency or higher. The minimum photon energy at which electrons can stick out is the 'work function.'

Usually, alkali metals such as sodium(Na) are often used in photoelectric effect experiments. This is because alkali metals' work function is small, so it is easy to cause a photoelectric effect even with low-frequency visible light.

This photoelectric effect becomes the basic concept of solar power generation. In other words, when light is emitted above a certain frequency, electrons pop out immediately (no delay in time).

If these electrons are allowed to run through electrical circuits, then solar power is generated.

Solar cells are semiconductors made from silicon (Si) in the sand. When sunlight shines on a solar cell, the electrons move and flow along the wires, and the flow of electrons creates electrical energy.

Photoelectric Effect Simulation Download

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Careful investigations toward the end of the nineteenth century proved that the photoelectric effect occurs with other materials, too, but only if the wavelength is short enough. The photoelectric effect is observed below some threshold wavelength which is specific to the material. Especially the fact that light of large wavelengths has no effect at all even if it is extremely intensive, appeared mysterious for the scientists.

This HTML5 app simulates an experiment for the determination of the Planck constant and the work function: A single spectral line is filtered out from the light of a mercury lamp. This light strikes the cathode (C) of a photoelectric cell and causes the emission of electrons (or not). In order to find the maximal kinetic energy of the ejected electrons it is necessary to enlarge a retarding voltage by means of a potentiometer connection so much that no more electrons arrive at the anode (A). The blue coloured meter indicates the size of this retarding voltage. You can see from the red coloured meter whether electrons reach the anode.

The panel at the right side allows you to vary the cathode's material, the wavelength and the retarding voltage. The indicated values refer to the frequency of the light and to the energy balance of the photoelectric effect. The results of the measurements are drawn in a frequency voltage diagram on the bottom left, but can be cleared with the button of the panel.

Dear Keith

Thank you so much for your response. Method you suggested helped me in getting energy deposited by photoelectric effect. But the plot in root file is bit weird. It is showing plot for 1 entry only, how can we get it for multiple entries.

I have got multiple entries when I run the simulation for like 50 times using /run/beamOn. Now I am working on photon count plot. Can you kindly tell how we adjust the x and y axis of nTuple in ROOT. I think this way I could get my plot.

I want graph similar to what you posted as question here: Counting optical photons from scintillation events

hello Keith

I ran into one more issue with the simulation. I calculated energy deposition due to photoelectric effect and the number of photons ejected. I found that more number of photons are ejected for less amount of photoelectric absorption. Can you tell what is the issue.

Thank you so much

We have developed a curriculum on the photoelectric effect including an interactive computer simulation, interactive lectures with peer instruction, and conceptual and mathematical homework problems. Our curriculum addresses established student difficulties and is designed so that students will be able to (1) correctly predict the results of experiments on the photoelectric effect and (2) describe how these results lead to the photon model of light. Our instruction leads to better student mastery of the first goal than either traditional instruction or previous reformed instruction, with approximately 85% of students correctly predicting the results of changes to the experimental conditions. Most students are able to correctly state the observations made in the photoelectric effect experiment and the inferences that can be made from these observations, but are less successful drawing a clear logical connection between the observations and the inferences.

select the desired cathode metal from guipanel and adjust wavelength, intensity of light and potential of source to see their effect on photoelectric current.

Ā There is also a graph showing variation of current with voltage of source. Controls Drag the sliders on battery to change its voltage.

Ā Drag over the colour spectrum of flashlight to change wavelength, and drag over the orange bars to increase its brightness

EMPIRE is a new EM plasma simulation capability under development that includes kinetic (PIC) plasma representation and DSMC collisions. The EMPIRE code is designed to run on advanced hardware, e.g. ARM and GPGPUs, through a Kokkos abstraction layer to enable portability. For this initial comparison we will focus on testing the electromagnetic solve in enclosed cavities fielded at the Z Machine and the NIF. Powerful, pulsed x-ray sources available at these facilities (radiating terawatts in nanoseconds) drive plasmas in cavities due to x-ray-surface interactions. Prior to irradiation, cavity volumes have either background partial pressures of inert gas, or are at near vacuum (< 5 10-5 Torr). Upon irradiation, surface photoelectrons are modeled as well as effects due to extreme surface heating caused by x-ray energy deposition that drives thermionic emission and thermally enhanced neutral desorption. We will compare the results of these model to experiments. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

The photoelectric effect is a fundamental phenomenon that describes the release of electrons from a material when exposed to electromagnetic radiation, such as light. It was discovered by Albert Einstein in 1905 and its understanding laid the foundation for quantum theory.

The photoelectric effect has several important features. First, the number of electrons released depends on the intensity of the incident light, i.e., the number of photons reaching the material in a given time. In addition, the kinetic energy of the released electrons depends on the energy of the incident photons, which is related to their wavelength. This explains why different colors of light can have different effects on the material.

In addition, the photoelectric effect has implications for quantum theory. Einstein proposed that light is composed of discrete particles called photons, which carry a specific amount of energy. This revolutionary concept helped explain why light can behave as both a wave and a particle.

The photoelectric effect has practical applications in a number of areas. For example, it is fundamental in solar power generation, where solar panels use the photoelectric effect to convert sunlight into electricity. It is also used in imaging devices, such as digital cameras and scanners, where photodetectors capture light and convert it into electrical signals to form an image.

Below are several simulations and other educational resources, which can also serve as very illustrative examples. In addition, a selection of books and courses is included to help you broaden your knowledge of this subject

In the simulation, with the intensity at 100% the number of photons emitted each second goes DOWN as the frequency increases. The intensity staying constant means the energy emitted per second is the same. So, since higher frequency photons have more energy each, then the number of photons being emitted each second must be less. If you go to Options and select "Control photon number instead of intensity" then the current won't drop when the frequency goes above ~196 nm. (It does seem to reach a maximum, though, and a higher frequency doesn't affect the current. I can only assume the "rope" is now so long that it's hitting the ground and so a longer rope isn't helping anyone.)

Primary Image: Image of PhET photoelectric effect simulation. This is a screenshot of the simulation which represents the apparatus used to study the photoelectric effect and is the heart of this lesson.

The lesson is built around this simulation. It first introduces students to the classical predictions for light and its interactions with matter. For some but not all students this is a review. The heart of the lesson is a worksheet that students then complete, in which they must carry out a series of simulated experiments with the simulations, exploring all the important dependencies and recording what they observe. They are also called upon to say if their results are consistent or not with the predictions of the classical theory of light. Then we give them the quantum interpretation, including exploring analogies to help develop their understanding. This presentation is supported by having students answer and discuss questions in small groups.

There are several forms of active learning in this lesson. First, and most important, is a worksheet each student must complete while working in a small group. This worksheet calls on them to explore many different features with the simulation and record and interpret their results. In the follow-up discussion and elaboration on that worksheet activity, there are several clicker questions and small-group discussion activities. This lesson would typically be followed with a homework assignment in which students have to do further exploration with the simulation and further explain their results in terms of how the results show the failure of the classical theory and the need for quantum theory. e24fc04721

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