Simple projects are residential projects that require a quick appointment and review by staff for permit issuance. The Simple Projects Service is faster and lower cost than Residential Service, so be sure to use it if your project qualifies.

I'm wondering what kind of crates people typically use if they need a very basic UI - when I looked around I found things like the ggez crate, but that seems awfully heavy if all you need is to draw a window and some simple images on screen.

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Some examples of the kinds of projects I'm thinking about could be a basic tic tac toe program, or perhaps a chess engine that you can play against, maybe a calculator app? -- basically things where you don't need much more than the ability to draw basic shapes to the screen, and basic mouse/keyboard state access (mouse position, keydown etc)

Hi, I'm wanting to have a look at some examples of really well made but extremely simple python projects in an attempt to better understand basic structure and design. People suggest to me things like Requests or Flask... they may be beautiful but they are way too complex for what I'm after.

The 24 simple, modern dressmaking projects can be whipped up in a few hours - whether that's a few short sittings after work, or a stolen afternoon away from the kids. The full-scale dressmaking patterns include ten sizes (UK 6-24/US 2-20) and range from a classic t-shirt and snuggly cardigan to a cute pinafore and stylish playsuit.

If you're a beginner, you'll find easy-peasy projects and fuss-free techniques to kickstart your sewing journey. If you're an experienced stitcher, you'll enjoy the satisfyingly quick wardrobe-building patterns and tips for speeding up your sewing.

Open-source software projects are also communities of effort. E.g., the Mozilla Firefox [5] community includes a mix of paid professionals, highly involved volunteers, and occasional contributors who not only create software, documentation, and tutorials but also organize events, answer questions in online forums, mentor newcomers, and advocate for open standards.

Other ways to be welcoming include offering assistance in finding ways to make an initial contribution, directing the newcomer to project members who have a similar background or skillset so as to demonstrate fit to the newcomer, and pointing the newcomer to essential project resources (e.g., the contribution guidelines). It also helps to clearly identify work items they can start with; a growing number of projects explicitly tag bugs or issues as "suitable for newcomers" and ask established members not to fix them in order to ensure there are suitable places for new arrivals to start work.

People could contribute to many different projects; the first and most important step in being welcoming is to help them determine whether your project is a good fit for their interests and abilities. Their decision to contribute can be related to reputation or external needs but also to a desire to learn or give back to the community. In all of these cases, the more you help newcomers understand whether this is the right project for them, the more quickly they will either start contributing or look elsewhere.

The project should also help developers evaluate their skills, since "basic Python skills" means very different things to different people. Tools like My GitHub Resume [11] and Visual Resume [12] that aggregate information from previous contributions can help with this assessment, while the now-defunct OpenHatch project [13] aggregated entry-level issues from a variety of open-source projects and classified them according to language and other required skills to provide a one-stop portal for finding appropriate projects.

Large, well-established projects that incorporate as nonprofits are required to promulgate bylaws, such as those for the Python Software Foundation [17]. What smaller projects should do is less well-documented but generally falls under one of three headings [6]. The first is a "benevolent dictator" (often the project founder), who the community agrees has final say on important issues. This model is common in young or small projects but is brittle and inevitably fosters the emergence of unofficial (and hence unaccountable) de facto leaders in specific areas.

To ensure completeness and fairness, every project should adopt and publicize guidelines describing what constitutes a contribution, how contributions will be acknowledged, and how they will be used. Who can use the data collected by the project for what purposes, and what attribution do they have to give? How must they acknowledge the project and/or its contributors? Who holds the copyright on contributed material? Most projects now place this information in files called and and place a brief, readable summary in plain language in onboarding materials.

One explanation for this disparity is that people become members of open projects for different reasons and hence respond to things like mentoring programs in different ways. E.g., Barcomb and colleagues identified four types of episodic or intermittent contributors to open-source projects [49], while Menp and colleagues looked at how to reconcile the competing yet complementary needs of stakeholders in hybrid open/commercial projects [50]. More research is needed, but as openness becomes the norm in research, doing it well becomes a core skill for every researcher.

I have a set of people People, a set of datasets Datasets, and a set of projects, Projects, where each project has a weekly meeting under Meetings, at least one dataset, at several people working on it. I think the way to setup my vault is as follows:

This tutorial walks you through how to package a simple Python project. It willshow you how to add the necessary files and structure to create the package, howto build the package, and how to upload it to the Python Package Index (PyPI).

With Maven, and later Gradle, we were able to create projects with a predefined structure that could be compiled easily just adding a class or test class file in a specific directory. IDEs were able to provide plugins to support these frameworks creating a fairly rich environment where it is easy to get started with Java.

I went for a container project which contains sub projects for the main application, and a static linked library. The library could always be spun out as a dynamic library and moved into its own project.

CMake works by having CMakeLists.txt files in each folder of the project and sub projects. In the top level folder we put a CMakeLists.txt file that is for the project, and it includes the two subdirectories below it. CMake will drill down, find the CMakeLists.txt file in the subdirectories and build elements in those folders.

Now we have our library all completed, we can work on our main app in the calcApp directory. This is a simple main.cpp class which prints a message and invokes our calculator to show it is all hooked up.

There are a lot of knobs to play with with regards to building C++ projects, and how they are structured. With Java, while we have the option of adding jars to executables at runtime through the class path, its often the case that we just build a jar containing all the code we need. Similarly, we could bind java libraries at run time, but often choose not to. With C++ here we have a basic outline of a project that should cover simple cases.

Reina, a Southern Puerto Rican, explores food culture on her culinary journey. Focusing on modern takes of comfort food, Reina shares her passion through her favorite cuisines with a simple and fun approach.

But most of all, the ideal organizational system would be one that leads directly to tangible benefits in your career and life. It would dramatically accelerate you toward completing the projects and achieving the goals that are most important to you.

It may be difficult to believe that a complex, modern human life like yours can be reduced to just four categories. It may feel like you have far more to deal with than can fit into such a simple system.

PARA cuts through this facade, giving us a method for organizing anything that is so radically simple, there is no excuse and nothing left to do except the next essential step. It is a minimalistic way to add just enough order to your environment that you have the clarity to move forward, and no more.

What I like about these posters is that they not only provide an introduction to each simple machine, but they give real-world examples of each one. Once kids learn this, they (like me) will be finding simple machines EVERYWHERE! Brace yourself.

My biggest, most important, PerfStack request is definitely improving the automation of building PerfStack "Templates". Here is a very simple workaround to build basic templates for all nodes, automatically.

While we can share links with others, giving them access to saved projects, I still found the need for a simple list of projects, easily accessible. For my environment, "hidden" PerfStack projects do us little to no good. I want my team to be able to see all projects, and access any project they need, at any given moment. The following simple SWQL query will provide an easy way to accomplish this goal.

Learning Project Management is also more easily understood through a simple system for the new Project Manager to begin with. A new PM wants to see the entire process in very few pages of text. In fact, if a mentor uses a simple checklist, new PMs can be running small projects nearly immediately. Organizations that are afraid to implement Project Management, should see how they may take advantage of project management with very little risk, and very little process (low cost, big benefits).

The checklist can be attached to the outside of a manila folder, or it could be managed as an online document. If a PM is assigned additional projects, they will repeat the initiation folder process for each project assigned. This allows the PM to keep a small file system that is examined from beginning to end each day or more. A PM can juggle many projects using this system. For example, if three projects are waiting for a resource to be hired and 5 are waiting for equipment to arrive, the PM would examine all of their folders and for each of those 8 folders/projects, see that the ETA on equipment or new hires is or is not satisfied. This allows that PM to manage 8 projects in a dormant state while working on other projects that have the resources available. With a little creativity, a File system could include set of Phases, for example: New, Initiating, Dormant for Purchasing, Executing, Closing, DONE. e24fc04721

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