8h00-8h05: Welcome speech - Dr. Monfort (chairman) and Prof. Noga (Vice-Dean, FNS CU)
8h05-8h25: Presentation of the Laboratory for Advanced Materials (LAM): a new research laboratory co-funded by the
European Union - Dr. Sykora (CU Bratislava)
8h25-8h45: Environmental aspects of atmospheric chemistry modelling - Prof. Louis (Univ. Lille, France)
8h45-8h50: Medal Ceremony: Gold Medal of the CU Bratislava awarded to prof. Louis - Prof. Stevcek (Rector, CU Bratislava)
8h50-9h20: Coffee Break
9h20-9h30: Presentation of the Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand (ICCF) - Prof. Mailhot (ICCF, France)
9h30-9h50: Iron (photo)chemistry: Implication in the environment and AOPs - Prof. Mailhot (ICCF, France)
9h50-10h10: The Chromatography analytical platform of the ICCF for water treatments:
Metals and organic acids analyses by IC and MS - Dr. Guillaume Voyard (ICCF, France)
10h10-10h30: How can be EPR helpful in the study of photocatalytic systems? - Dr. Dvoranova (STU Bratislava)
10h30-11h00: Coffee Break
11h00-11h20: Quantification and reactivity of inorganic radicals in AOPs - Prof. Brigante (ICCF, France)
11h20-11h40: Synthesis and characterization of Ti-Mo oxide nanotubes - MSc. Makarov (CU Bratislava)
11h40-12h00: Effect of substrate on TiO2 nanotube arrays formation and their photocatalytic efficiency
under UVA irradiation - MSc. Petriskova (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
12h00-12h20: Synthesis and characterization of new photocatalysts under visible light - MSc. Fazli (ICCF, France)
12h20-14h00: Lunch
14h00-14h20: Transition metal modified TiO2 nanostructures: preparation, characterization
and photo-induced degradation of organic pollutants - MSc. Thirunavukkarasu (CU Bratislava)
14h20-14h40: The use of manganese oxides for wastewaters treatment via AOPs - MSc. Jia (ICCF, France)
14h40-15h00: Electrochemical production of ferrate (VI) - Prof. Hives (STU Bratislava)
15h00-15h20: The ferrate and its decomposition products in AOPs: degradation of bisphenol A
in municipal wastewaters - Dr. Monfort (CU Bratislava)
15h20-15h50: Coffee Break
15h50-16h45: Excursion at the Department of Experimental Physics (CU Bratislava)
16h45-17h30: Discussion on Future Collaborations