In PS there is a function where you can 'create a new layer from selection'. Basically whatever was selected (only what was selected) would get copied/moved to a new layer. This was great for easy manipulation such as flipping images etc.

After create your selection just do a copy/paste. The selection contents will be pasted in a new layer. Make sure the layer you are working with is a Pixel layer otherwise the whole layer will be pasted instead of just the selected area. If the layer you are working with is identified as an (Image) layer type - see the label between parenthesis after the layer's name in the Layers panel - right-click on it and select Rasterise... to convert it to a (Pixel) layer type. Only (Pixel) layers can be manipulated at a pixel level.

Photo Layer

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Having tried Photo today for the first time (come from years of experience of Photoshop) - one of the first things I tried was creating a layer from a selection. Copying pixels to a new layer is not what I need (as I would then need to remove those pixels from the layer underneath). Cut / Paste didn't remove the pixels, and place them on a new layer - which I thought was odd. I understand that I may need to learn how to do the same thing in Photo as I would in Photoshop, but when trying to perform a task takes a lot longer in Photo... well... that doesn't motivate me to use Photo.

Hi Pixelshifters,

Welcome to Affinity ForumsĀ 

You are probably working with an Image layer - see the label between parenthesis after the layer's name in the Layer's panel). Right-click the layer in the Layers panel and select Rasterise to convert it to a pixel layer type. You should then be able to cut/paste as you'd expect.

Thanks MEB for the advice on this. Isolating objects from their background and saving them as new layers/objects is a large part of what I do in Photoshop (at least professionally). I too am just beginning to check out Affinity Photo. I think we have to accept that there will be new ways of doing things, and it will take time to get into a new routine, and develop new mental 'muscle' memories. Try to remember how weird Photoshop felt when we all first tried it....

new user of affinity photo I'am looking how to resize a layer in a composition. In photoshop you have de shortcut cmd T to do this is there an equivalent shortcut or command to do this in affinity photo. Excuse my bad english

i wanna display the map and some list and charts aside that. So far so good, now i want link the list with the map, all work if I've imported the layers as feature ones but the problem is that is extremely slow, otherwise if I import layers as Map image it's quicker enough but there's no way to connect the list with the map.

I should create an application for road intervention that could help visualize all of them, able to filter on some particular field. For a small scale I wanna see a polygon layer but if I zoom out I displayed as Point. At the moment that I start to zoom in and the polygon appears, start to go slowly.

Layersare useful because they let you add components to an image and workon them one at a time, without permanently changing your originalimage. For each layer, you can adjust color and brightness, applyspecial effects, reposition layer content, specify opacity and blendingvalues, and so on. You can also rearrange the stacking order, linklayers to work on them simultaneously, and create web animationswith layers.

Layersare like stacked, transparent sheets of glass on which you can paint images.You can see through the transparent areas of a layer to the layersbelow. You can work on each layer independently, experimenting tocreate the effect you want. Each layer remains independent untilyou combine (merge) the layers. The bottommost layer in the Layerspanel, the Background layer, is always locked (protected), meaningyou cannot change its stacking order, blending mode, or opacity(unless you convert it into a regular layer).

The Layers panel (Window > Layers) lists all layers in an image, from the top layer to the Background layer at the bottom. In Expert mode, if you are working in the Custom Workspace, you can drag the Layers panel out and tab it with other panels.

To create a layer with default name andsettings, click the New Layer button in the Layers panel. The resultinglayer uses Normal mode with 100% opacity, and is named accordingto its creation order. (To rename the new layer, double-click itand type a new name.)

The Background layer is the bottomlayer in an image. Other layers stack on top of the Background layer,which usually (but not always) contains the actual image data ofa photo. To protect the image, the Background layer is always locked.If you want to change its stacking order, blending mode, or opacity,you must first convert it into a regular layer.

I just downloaded Photoshop 2020. I opened my photos on mac, selected a photo, clicked on Image, Edit with Photoshop 2020. I see the photo in the layers panel, made a copy of it, selected it but it's not showing up in the workspace...the workspace is black. I've closed it and started over and the same thing happens. What am I doing wrong? If the layer is selected I should be able to see it.....

Masks are applied as a separate layer, allowing them to be freely edited and moved. Mask layers affect any layer below them within the Layers panel. They can also be clipped to individual layers so that only that layer is affected. Alternatively, mask layers can be added to layer groups so they only affect that group.

You can apply destructive filters to mask layers. For example, a selection of blur, sharpen, distortion or noise filters can be applied to mask layers, as well as layers with mask layer properties such as adjustment layers, live filter layers and masked fill layers; spare channels can also take destructive filters too.

By default, a created mask layer is clipped to the selected layer or added at the top of the Layers panel if no layer is selected. It can be moved within the Layers panel to affect greater or lesser areas.

I am using an Image Layer as a template for map making in Tiled.

I have no problem creating the layer, importing the image, etc. I also can see how to click-drag the image around the Tiled map to align it as desired.

If the image layer is easier to use than a tile object then there is something to improve about tile objects. I think probably I should make it easier to add tiles to an image collection tileset, for example by adding drag-and-drop support.

I have a lot of designers send me layered PSDs of their designs and I need to break out the pieces of the designs to place on web pages. I can do a decent number of things in Photoshop, but I'm hardly efficient with it.

I've got Photoshop CS5, so I don't need external software to do anything, but I just need to figure out how to take a single layer, that may hold something small like an icon, and export it as a PNG or JPG.

To export a single layer or a group of layers in Photoshop you must have only those relevant layer(s) that you want to export visible. (So hide all the layers that you don't want to export and keep the relevant one's visible.) Then go to File - Save for web and save your image.

Ever wondered what a layer mask does and how you can use layer masking in your editing? Layer masking is a reversible way to hide part of a layer. Masking gives you more editing flexibility than permanently erasing or deleting part of a layer. Layer masking is useful for making composite images, cutting out objects for use in other images, and limiting edits to part of a layer. A mask allows you to reveal parts of the layer below.

Think of a layer mask like a tool that can create eye holes in a mask to reveal the person wearing it. You can even use a mask on the base layer without adding more layers, allowing you to reveal parts of the original image without edits applied.

One of the changes in LuminarAI is the switch from layers to a Local Adjustments tool and smart segmentation of our AI-powered tools. This is why there will be no third-party plugin support in LuminarAI. If you need to merge bracketed photos, we suggest using Aurora HDR in its standalone mode.

SkyAI will work with your own photos if they are in one of the following formats: JPEG, PNG and TIFF. Here are guidelines on preparing skies for best results. Augmented SkyAI will work with your own objects if they are in PNG format with the Alpha channel or JPG format with a fully black background.

I have a DIV and I would like to put a pattern as background. This pattern is gray. So to make it a little more nice, I would like to put a light transparent color "layer" over. Below is what I tried but which did not work. Is there a way to put the colored layer over the background image?

Why so complicated? Your solution was almost right except it's a way easier to make the pattern transparent and the background color solid. PNG can contain transparencies. So use photoshop to make the pattern transparent by setting the layer to 70% and resaving your image. Then you only need one selector. Works cross browser.

can someone please tell me how to place a background image into a layer ? ive searched through so many tutorials about images, all of them say to place the image and then drag, but everytime i do this, it just gets caught somewhere else and all the layers get screwed up because the image is so big and i cant drag it to get it to go to the background.

Just pasting the new image in is not ideal - they're part of a video animation updated in a different application, and creating new layers each time would create a lot of hassle. I'm looking to do the same sort of things you can do in Illustrator and InDesign with the Relink and Update... buttons.

You can easily put a photo on top of another photo using Fotor, a free online photo editor. Simply drag and drop the image you want to overlay into Fotor- this will become your background picture. Then add a new image over it. You can adjust the transparency levels to blend two images together perfectly. You can also choose from hundreds of photo effects to make your composite images more creative! 9af72c28ce

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