Day Care

General Reflections 

I spent 4 days at the daycare and while I was there I realised that how the day care and AAC worked was different. While the AAC was a little more relaxed the day care did everything according to a schedule. This would mean that everything at the day care was more fast paced. 

I was really amazed by how the staff at the day care worked, everything was really fast for example after lunch they had to clean and keep the tables so they could put out the reclinable chairs for the elderly for their afternoon nap. This may seem like something that may take a lot of time doing. But the staff at the day care did it really fast keeping everything and putting the chairs out within 10-15 minutes. During the elderly's naptime they also had to keep an eye on them to make sure that they don't suddenly get up because they want to go to the toilet. The main reason for this is because the elderly at the day care are mostly frail or they are not mobile so most of them would need help getting to the toilet. 

While I was at the day care, I was tasked with interacting with the elderly. On the first day, I interacted with an elderly lady who was particularly quiet the staff gave her some puzzles to do and I helped her with it. While I was helping her, I realised that unlike interacting with people that my age, I had to be extra careful when interacting with her to make sure that I did not make her mad because I was trying to correct her when she was doing the puzzle. Another difficulty I faced was because she spoke Teochew sometimes and I didn't really understand her. But I got help from one of the staff who could understand Teochew. This made me realise that learning different dialects are really important. 

Overall, the experience at the day care was really eye opening because I met so many elderly and all of them were different from those I met at AAC. I really enjoyed the experience there and learnt so many new things.