Non Academic Pursuits

Leadership Opportunities 

Captain of Netball 


I was chosen as the Captain by my teachers and coach in 2021.  I was honoured to be chosen as the captain but I was worried that I would not be able to live up to the expectations of others. I was the bridge between my teammates and my teachers, having to pass on messages from my teachers to teammates. I was also able to help my teammates voice their concerns to the teachers. 

However, I felt the most important thing I had to do was to bring my team together. Because everyone came from very different backgrounds and classes, we did not click together immediately.  I had to think of ways to help my team become stronger through bonding activities for example angel and mortal. 

It was an amazing experience, though that were tough moments I enjoyed every bit of my journey. I was able to hone my leadership skills and learn new ways to encourage my team whenever they were feeling down or demoralised. 


Destination Imagination (DI)

2019, 2020, 2021

I was selected to take part in the scientific category of Destination Imagination (DI) in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Destination Imagination (DI) is a competition held annually allowing students the opportunity to be creative and merge elements of science and drama components into a performance, based on the given theme. 

It was an interesting experience because I have never taken part in such competitions before where you had to do everything from scratch, coming up with the whole storyline, doing up a script and making your own props. It was hard because our ideas had to be creative and they had to fit the theme given to us. 

The theme that I thought was the most challenging was "Medical Mystery" in 2019.  Since the majority of my team was Secondary 1  students we had little knowledge so we went to search. At first all we could come up with were normal medical problems that did not really stand out. In the end, we settled with the 'Walking Corpse Syndrome'  It may not seem like a real illness but it is actually real, where living people have the perception that they are dead. 

The process was really fun but tiring at the same time. Making the props from scrap was hard because we had to have the whole idea planned out before we start making it to ensure that we did not have to restart. 

Overall,  I really enjoyed the experience and through this I was able to learn how to incorporate both the elements of Science and Drama into play. 

Xylem Global Student Innovation Competition  


I had the opportunity to take part in this competition in 2021. My Chemistry teacher put together a small team to take part in this competition. 

At first my group members and I were very confused on the details we had to provide because this competition  focused on problems in the real world context.  In the end, the challenge  statement we chose is "Reducing the water footprints of everyday products". This process was really difficult because we were not knowledgeable in this aspect of Science, for example how we should go about reducing the water footprint for our chosen product, Smartphone. 

With the help of our teacher and his ex student, we were able to finish our entry for this competition. Even though we did not win a prize, we were very satisfied with our performance because we were able to answer the questions that came along with this challenge statement. This experience was really eye-opening as I realised the things that we are learning now differed quite abit from what is going on in society today.