How do I use this website?

Each tab aims to connects healthcare workers to a type of resource. The programs listed are already existing and operating now! If you are interested in a particular resource, click on that resource and follow their instructions to apply for their service.

What if there is a resource/program I need not listed?

Please let us know through our "Contact Us" tab. The resources listed have been researched and vetted as operational by us. If there is something missing, we cannot promise we will find it, but we will do our best to find a program that suits your needs.

What if there is resource/program I know of not listed?

Let us know, through the "Contact Us" tab! Thank you for sharing that awesome resource.

A program listed isn't responding, doesn't seem to be working, or is capped on their services. What should I do?

Please let us know in our "Contact Us" tab.

Particularly during this pandemic, this is always changing and we do our best to ensure that the resources listed are still operational.

Thank you for letting us know and ensuring we have the most up to date resources as possible.

How do I volunteer to support healthcare workers?

This site is not meant for gathering volunteers. This is specfiically aimed to connect healthcare workers to pre-existing programs that support them.

If you are interested in volunteering, a great place to start is through the POHPS website, here. They have done a great job cultivating opportunities for volunteers.