Special Events

BeautyofMath + PhiMC Partnership

We have scheduled a special talk with BeautyofMath, it will happen on March 1st, 1 PM PST!

PhiMC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: BeautyofMath Lecture Time: Mar 6, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99217536101?pwd=cjFGY3VsSnFMNFdtVEFOQzJlczlydz09

Meeting ID: 992 1753 6101

Passcode: se2diH

Puzzlr + PhiMC Partnership

All results of the first Phi-MC contest will be announced on March 7th at 5 pm CST through ThePuzzlr YouTube Channel along with tons of Giveaways including multiple Amazon Gift Cards for live participants! We will also go over interesting problems from the contest and their solutions! The link for the premiere can be found here: https://youtu.be/NZ-nA-Lyn5Y. Don't be a second too late so you don't miss a single giveaway! Prize-winners of the contest will need to be present during the premiere to claim their prizes! Premiere link for March 7th at 5 pm CST(3pm PST, 4pm MT, 6 pm EST): https://youtu.be/NZ-nA-Lyn5Y Alternate link: https://thepuzzlr.com/phimc-contest/ Don't forget to hit the remind and subscribe button so that you won't accidentally forget and miss the chance to win huge prizes including gift cards, cool gear, and more!