Philadelphia Writing Project

Early Literacy

Invitational Summer Institute 2021

Day 7

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

9:00 -9:20

Welcome, Agenda & Quick Write

What are some things we want students to know and be able to do as a result of our writing instruction? Take a minute of think time, then drop your response in the chat. Why is writing important? Why is writing instruction important?

QuickWrite: How do you decide what your students will learn and when they will learn it? What tools do you use? Who or what impacts your decision-making? Think about how you know which learning activities your students will experience.

9:20 - 9:40

Puzzling Moments, Teachable Moments

Lisa Lapina shares then drop your response in the chat. Why is writing important? Why is writing instruction important?

Lisa Lapina shares her learning on scheduling and notetaking.

9:40 - 10:00

Serravallo on Inquiry Groups

Serravallo explores inquiry in a different manner. Using the writing of others as a starting point she supports students in taking a deeper look through inquiry to support their own writing and thinking. Thinking about what we want our students to know and to be able to do, what questions might we ask that will support us in focusing the learning goals for our students?

  • In writing groups (or on your own), take 5 minutes to process. You might want to list/craft essential questions and focused goals only. Discuss with your group for 5 minutes. Share out whole group for 10 minutes.

  • Then talk about mentor/touchstone texts and matching texts to readers (reference Serravallo’s book) Group recording sheet

  • Go back into your recording sheet and identify mentor/touchstone texts that correspond to your focused goals (Questions p133)

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 10:45

Practice What You Teach: Connecting Curriculum and Professional Learning

We’ve explored the notions of identity, skills, intellect, and criticality. As teachers, what, then, does Ballenger’s quote about teacher research mean for us? What is she asking that we do? How might this impact our teaching? How might this impact student learning? Why would this be important? Take 5 min to write. We’ll come back and discuss.

10:30 - 10:45


11:00 - 11:20

Discussion: Finding Connections

Common threads: What stands out? What questions arise? What does it mean for our practice?

11:20 - 11:50

Writing Groups

How do we create conditions in classrooms and schools where teachers can take the lead in making instructional decisions that support learning for students in their care?

11:50 - 12:50


Day 8 Preparation


Serrevallo on Inquiry Groups

Journal Writing Groups
