Philadelphia Writing Project

Early Literacy

Invitational Summer Institute 2021

Day 2

Tuesday, July 13 ,2021

Which practices maximally impact children's early writing efforts?

9:00 - 9:15

Welcome, Agenda, Quickwrite

Take about 5-10 minutes and jot down what you remember about learning how to write. Do you remember any formal instruction; if so, what was it? Or, think about a breakthrough moment in your writing life.

9:15 - 9:45

Stages of Developmental Writing

Slides 4-12 and highlights of Gentry’s comments about the phases that he has documented in his book “Brain Words” with the writing exemplars.

    • Coordinating SDP stages

9:45 - 10:00

In the whole group, participants share out what they notice about each of the student work samples including the teacher’s explanatory comments about some of the samples (e.g. story Dwayne told with the first picture).

    • This is only a REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE of one child’s work over an 8 month period

10:00 - 10:15

Journal Writing Groups

Talk about what you think the teacher might have been doing instructionally to facilitate the progress. Select one person in the group to take notes and report out. Share out ideas (each group provides one idea and then after one turn, go around again for comments).

  • Group 1: Tamala, Danielle, Lisa Lapina, Kristyn

  • Group 2: Stephanie, Hannah, Jaclyn, Erica

  • Group 3: Lisa Hinz, Linda, Natoya, Nadia

10:15 - 10:35

Kid Writing Presentation

Slides 15 - 36.

10:35 - 10:45

Insights from Philadelphia Kid Writing Teachers

Four teachers offer insights from their experience with Kid Writing.

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:30

The Sciences of Reading and Writing

Watch the video and review the article by Steven Graham. Discuss the significance both. WHAT STOOD OUT FOR YOU? WHAT ARE INSTRUCTIONAL IMPLICATIONS?

11:30 - 11:50

Journal Writing Groups

Write and reflect today you may want to use the frame: I USED TO THINK___________________ BUT NOW I REALIZE_________________________.

11:50 - 12:50


Share out a couple of thoughts from group writing & reflect from the day

  • Preparing for Day 3:

        • Tulino, D., Krishnamurthy, S. Fall, M. & Browne, S.(2019) Resisting Anti-Blackness through Counternarratives. English journal, 109 (2), 32-38

        • Vasquez, M. (2017) Writing to disrupt inequities: In Critical literacy across the K-6 curriculum (pp. 37-51) Routledge.

        • Muhammad, Gholdy, (2020) Toward the Pursuit of Criticality in Cultivating Genius, (pp. 116-133) Scholastic

Welcome & Agenda

Quick Write

Stages of Developmental Writing Presentation

Journal Writing Groups

Kid Writing presentation

Teacher insights

Kid Writing in Action (5:08 - 7:16)

The Sciences of Reading & Writing

Journal Writing Groups

Closing & Afternoon Activities