Promoting Your Podcast

Sharing and Promoting Your Podcast

  • Public Humanities Hub: We are always eager to share public-facing projects on our social media channels. Send us an e-mail! Interested in leading a workshop on podcasting or sharing your experience? Let us know too.

  • UBC Media and Arts Comm: UBC Media and the Faculty of Arts’s Comms team are available to help you share your work with a wider audience.

  • Social Media: Share a link on your own social media handles and bios. Post when you’ve published a new episode!

  • Vancouver Podcast Festival: was started in 2019 and features presenters as well as workshops.

  • Other Scholars who are also interested in your topic might be interested in listening to and sharing your work. You can also connect with those who are already producing podcasts and ask them to share your podcast on their channels if your topic may be relevant to their listeners as well.