Linking phenotypes to diversification dynamics to decipher the temporal and spatial scaling of biodiversity evolution in the Mediterranean Basin

PI: Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou

co-PI: Fernando Martínez-Freiría

The MEDBIODIV H2020 project explores the ecological and evolutionary dynamics that have shaped the Mediterranean Basin as one of the worlds unique biodiversity hotspots, using reptiles and amphibians as model organisms.

Evaluación del riesgo de mordedura de serpiente y variabilidad geográfica en la composición del veneno de la víbora del Magreb (Daboia mauritanica) y la víbora hocicuda (Vipera latastei-monticola) en el norte de Marruecos

PI: Fernando Martínez-Freiría

Snakebite is a major cause of death and morbidity worldwide. This project analyzes the geographic variability of the venom components of two Mediterranean vipers in Morocco, and investigates the phylogenetic and ecological factors that could be at the base of such variation, to provide an assessment of the incidence of snakebite in this area.

Origin and maintenance of color polymorphisms:

An integrative approach combining Genomics, Behavior and a Population study

PI: Catarina Pinho

In this project, we aim to understand the evolutionary dynamics underlying the maintenance of color morphs. We use Podarcis muralis - a lizard species with several ventral color morphs - as model system. Our approach includes genomics, behavioral experiments and population level assessment of morph diversity.
