
The presenters are asked to present a complete or a close to completion work in the seminars.

The seminars are held on Zoom and last 40 minutes:

  • 30 minutes of presentation

  • 10 minutes of Q&A

During the presentation everyone will be muted and all questions will be limited to clarifying questions. All interactions with the speaker will go through the chat. Since there is limited time to answer all questions we will provide the name and email of the speaker on our website so that you can get in touch directly if you like. The moderator will also make a note of all the questions and send them to the speaker at the end of the seminar.

After the presentation there will be 10 minutes for general questions and discussions; to ask a question, raise your digital hand (*) and the moderator will unmute you.

(*) How do I raise my digital hand? Click on the icon labelled "Participants" at the bottom centre of your screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the button labelled "Raise Hand".