
Hibrid Aerial/Underwater Vehicles

The Naviator, first hybrid aerial/underwater vehicle

The Naviator Vehicle

Singularity-free representation using quaternions

Autonomous Landing in populated areas

Visual-based automatic safe landing in populated areas

Autonomous Landing: Real-time experiments in a virtual environment

Drone's safe landing in crowded areas

Robot-in-the-loop experimental validation

Crowd Analisys

Monitoring Social Distance during the COVID-19 pandemics using Density Maps and Segmentation

Comparisson analisys of different solutions for monitoring the social distance

Crowd detection and counting

Aerial Load Transportation with Multiple Drones


Preliminary results for the aerial transport of cable suspended loads with multiple drones,

Aerial load transportation control with multiple drones

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Cyclist's orientation detection using CNNs

Cyclists' safety on the roads by detection and tracking

Self-driving car

DonkieTown, low cost experimental testbed for research in autonomous driving

Human-Robot Interaction HRI

Implementation of Natural User Interface to command drones using body gestures

Human follower UAV

Non-Linear Control of Drones

Control of UAVs transporting a cable suspended load

IDA-PBC strategy for a quadrotor transporting a suspended payload

Formation flight control using sliding mode control

Second order sliding mode trajectory tracking

Vision-based Navigation

Autonomous trajectory tracking using SLAM

Autonomous trajectory tracking using SLAM embedded on the vehicle

Haptic tele-operation

Underwater Vehicles

Autonomous trajectory tracking underwater


Using Unreal+Airsim VR engine for drone's simulation

Control algorithms implementation using Ardupilot with gazeebo


Monitoreo de grupos de personas utilizando DL

Drones en la sociedad actual: avances, retos y oportunidades

Redes de Investigación para enfrentar el COVID

Conferencia Magistral Verano CIMAT: Aterrizaje autónomo en zonas pobladas, un aspecto clave para aplicaciones urbanas