Health Services

Kira Mauger

Health Services Coordinator  

Dear Parents,

The mission of the Prince George County School Health Services Program is to promote the health and wellness for our students and their families, our staff, and our community. We encompass professional nurses who are committed to providing comprehensive, quality health care to students by using a systematic approach to identify and meet the dynamic health needs of all students including chronic health conditions, disabilities, and those with acute and emergent care situations. The professional school nurse is an integral member of the multidisciplinary school team and collaborates with other professional disciplines to enhance the academic success of students. The professional school nurse promotes improvement of children’s health, removes barriers to learning, and improves overall potential for academic success. We encourage parents to contact their child’s professional school nurse to discuss any health related needs. 


Health Services Coordinator

The mission of our school health services program is to promote health and wellness for our students and their families, our staff and our community. Our goals are to:


PGCS Health Services

Eating Disorders 2019-2020.pdf

Eating Disorders

Information about Scoliosis in Children and Adolescents.pdf

About Scoliosis 

Prince George County Public Schools

Student Services

6410 Courts Drive Prince George, VA 23875

Phone:  (804) 733 - 2700

Fax:  (804) 733 - 6428