
Glagol v hiperprostoru: medsebojno vplivanje med prozodijo, morfologijo in semantiko v zahodnih južnoslovanskih glagolih / Hyperspacing the Verb: The interplay between prosody, morphology and semantics in the Western South Slavic verbal domain

A joint project of University of Graz and University of Nova Gorica. The project is still ongoing in Graz, but visit this site for the UNG contribution (note that we are still working on some things). 

Database of the Western South Slavic Verb HyperVerb

The verbal Western South Slavic database (WeSoSlaV) contains 3000 most frequent Slovenian and 5300 most frequent BCS verbs which are all coded for a number of properties spanning from their phonology, morphology to their semantic and syntactic properties. This is the first part of the WeSoSlaV with information about inflection, the second one on derivation.

Baza glagolov WeSoSlaV, nastala v okviru projekta Glagol v hiperprostoru: medsebojno vplivanje med prozodijo, morfologijo in semantiko v zahodnih južnoslovanskih glagolih. Baza podatkov zajema 3000 najpogostejših glagolov v slovenščini in 5300 v BHS-u, ki so anotirani na osnovi različnih lastnosti. Prvi objavljeni del baze se nanaša na oblikotvorje, drugi na besedotvorje.

Part 1 available/Prvi del je osegljiv ... here/tukaj. 

Database of the Western South Slavic Verb HyperVerb -- Derivation 

Nekateri drugi projekti ipd., katerih (majhen) del sem. / Some other projects etc. of which I am a (small) part. 

SNAP.  We're a group of linguists across Europe who are interested in Slavic Nominalization and Participles. More info here.

SlovSTvo (Slovenski jezik, jezikovno Svetovanje in jezikovno Testiranje). Več informacij tukaj, sama delujem kot del jezikovnosvetovalne službe na tej platfomi. 

Obnašanje čeških in slovenskih naslonk/The Behavior of Czech and Slovenian Clitics:  A joint project of University of Nova Gorica & Masaryk University of Brno.  Click here for more. 

Agreement Mismatches in Experimental Syntax: from Slavic to Bantu. Click here for more. 

Konzorcij slovenskega eksperimentalnega jezikoslovja [KSEnJa]. Več informacij tukaj.  

Konference, ki sem jih pomagala izpeljati oz. pri organizaciji katerih sodelujem. / Some conferences I have recently helped organised or I am helping organise.

SinFonIJA 17

To be hosted in Nova Gorica in September 2024.  We will also hold a Multifunctionality in morphology workshop. Call and details here

Škrabčevi dnevi 13

Tematika Škrabčevih dnevov je jezikoslovje v najširšem pomenu besede (brez omejitev na preučevani jezik, pojav in pristop). Dogodek organizirajo Fakultete za humanistiko Univerza v Novi Gorici ter Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša in Raziskovalna postaja ZRC SAZU v Novi Gorici, in sicer 20. oktobra 2023 v Novi Gorici.  Več: http://skrabcevi-dnevi.zrc-sazu.si/Domov.  

Theme vowels in V(P) Structure and beyond 

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in the grammatical properties of theme vowels and thematic formatives, focusing not only on their morpho-phonology (as in the more traditional historical-comparative literature), but also on their contribution at the levels of argument structure, syntax and semantics. Taking place on April 22 and 23 online (hosted by University of Graz).  For more: https://thvplatform.at/

Učenje / Teaching


I'm currently teaching  Introduction to Syntax at the Doctoral Study Program Cognitive Science of Language. I also teach courses at the School of Humanities (both are a part of the University of Nova Gorica).

Trenutno predavam na Podiplomskem doktorskem študijskem programu Kognitivne znanosti jezika (Uvod v skladnjo). Sicer predavam tudi na Fakulteti za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici. 



In 2022 I had the privilege to be teaching at EGG. The class was on Cartography, the overview is posted below. 

Poleti 2022 sem učila na EGG-u, poletni šoli generativne slovnice, ki se je odvijala v Brnu.

Course Overview