English - Czech translations

Translations from English to Czech

I am not a translation agency, I translate texts exclusively by myself.  Although I studied English and Czech for five years at the Faculty of Arts, obtained diplomas from the British Council and BBC English, stayed in California for some time and have more than thirty years of English language practice, I specialize only in English to Czech translations. My native language is Czech, so I know that I can 100% guarantee my translations into Czech.

My motto:

A good translation must be accurate, but not literal. The reader should feel that he is reading the original.

I translate:

If you have not found yourself in points 1 - 7, you can contact me (see below). I will be happy to answer your query.

I do not translate: court translations.

Price list for translations from English into Czech and vice versa

In the Czech Republic, it is customary to charge prices for translation according to the number of pages. Abroad, translations are charged by word count. It is up to you which method you prefer.

Price by number of pages (1 page = 1,800 characters including spaces)

Price by word count (in English original)


Petr Kulatý, Na Valech 6, 785 01 Šternberk, Czech Republic

Phone + 420 585 014 959
