
The damage done to MSU is considerable, incredible how you dealt with one of the best brains at your university.

Mr. president, your job is to seek truth, not to be political correct. Speaking of which, I don’t even see how PC you can be by punishing Dr. Hsu based on false accusations.

It is intolerable that my alma mater, and the university where my own father was an engineering professor, would railroad Dr. Hsu in this way. Academic freedom is paramount!

President Stanley: You, and more importantly MSU, have lost me. I tried to hang on during countless episodes of MSU pandering to only one side to cultural divide. But time and time again MSU has chosen not to pull the community together with wise, thoughtful, evenhanded leadership but rather has chosen to side with only one side of the debate. When MSU goes so far as to refuse to stand up for scientific scholarship such as the type Dr. Hsu conducts, it becomes clear to me that MSU has no use for the morals and ideals I believe in. I can hang on no longer; you have lost me (MSU Alum).

President Stanley you should be ashamed of yourself. As a leader in higher education should be encouraging your staff and students to do their research when looking for a solution. Maybe you don't want the facts (truth), but there are people out there who do. You need to step down as it is evident you are a supporter of oppression.

This is shameful on the part of MSU and I am outraged and so disappointed by the president’s lack of courage (Parent of a Spartan)

This Dr. Hsu is innocent, lets consider a new president for who shares in the culture of our student body. Sam Stanley is not a Spartan, he lacks conviction and courage...he is a stooge for the left and the byproduct of the unfortunate Nasser scandal (MSU Alum)

This truly is George Orwell's nightmare coming true. Or worse, Galileo writing openly what his newly invented telescope showed him about the solar system - very dangerous indeed.

So very sad to see such an acclaimed learning institution, take the side against science & truth. In plain English "What the Heck are you doing to education!!!!

President Stanley writes in double-speak when he declares that he and MSU support academic freedom and the exchange of ideas, and then immediately does a 180 to disgrace exactly what he claims he and the school supports. He should resign.

MSU President Samuel L. Stanley has failed his university and the academy. Universities that do not defend academic freedom, but instead bow to identitarian thought police mobs, will devolve into Maoist re-education camps.

I’m saddened by the weakness displayed by MSU in this mob-rule cancel culture.

Shame on MSU President Samuel L. Stanley. Your behavior and actions are deplorable.

Sacking someone for presenting facts is wrong and goes against academic freedom which should be the basis for all colleges and universities. To only present info that suits a particular narrative will never resolve the issue.

For someone who has witnessed the hysteria of the Cultural Revolution and its devastating consequences, I say déjà vu. But then I ask myself, how can this be? Do I live in Mao’s China where stupidity can trump reason as long as it is wrapped in ideological loyalty, or do I live in 21st century America that is supposed to be the beacon of reason and enlightenment? The sad truth is, American is moving in the direction of Mao’s China while China is moving in the direction of what America is supposed to be.

It is sad that this has happened. America is no longer the land of the free and brave. It is now the land of the keyboard warriors and whiners.

Hire him back!

Over several decades, I have seen Stephen to be exemplary in his treatment of people. He has been a friend to diverse views and races. He does not deserve these accusations.

Gender, sexual, and racial bias and discrimination are pressing problems that cry out for greater investment of society's resources to address. Removing Dr. Hsu as VP for Research and Innovation will do nothing to advance the cause of social justice.

Cancel culture is Maoism. That is all.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

This man was "canceled" for simply sharing facts and scientific research which undermined a popular social narrative.

Justice requires truth.

The soul of any university is the shared understanding that ideas are evaluated only on the basis of reason and evidence. The suppression of free thought can never advance the cause of justice."

Academic freedom and freedom of inquiry must be preserved, or we are all lost."

Please keep freedom of speech available to faculty of all political persuasions."

It’s time that all reasonably minded people stood up for the right for others to express their views and not surrender to those among us who have neither the capacity nor courage to argue their case in the manner a civil society requires for its good functioning. Universities have historically been the bulwark against ignorance. To persecute Professor Hsu is an abrogation of the very thing for which institutions like yours were created. We all have to be better at accepting and dealing with diverse views and opinions"

I was taught in my day that academics were supposed to prize individuality and intellectual free thought that sometimes challenged them to re-evaluate their world-views. It seems that mob mentality, alongside that the power of the hysterical and narcissistic sociopath at the top is more pre-eminent."

I am for free speech in the academia"

The whole academic community must stand up to the madness and inquisition mob attacks on science and scientists."

I studied economics as an undergraduate and have tentative plans to eventually pursue a PhD in the subject. (Currently, I work as a high frequency trader). Academic freedom is extremely important to me and the attempted character assassination of Dr. Hsu is a profound violation of enlightenment values. Academics - and really everyone - must be free to pursue an accurate understanding of the natural world and to share their views. Anything less is a form of repression that is both innately wrong and will stand in the way of scientific progress.

I think it contemptible that anyone would seek to silence the speech of another simply because they hold an opposing view. It is reprehensible to advocate that the bread should be taken from a man’s mouth by depriving him of his position. Are we on our way to Chinese and Soviet-style “struggle sessions” where a mob decides who eats (or doesn’t eat), who can speak (or is “deplatformed” from academic life)?? How long before a local mob decides — you — have to shut up and prostrate yourself?

The act of removing Dr. Hsu would be reprehensible; this is no way to act toward a highly respected academician.

At issue it needs to be recognized that a process of removing a professor based on: 1- accusations of an unrelated third party; 2- charges unrelated to a professor's work; 3- actions not taken by a professor against any student, is a fundamentally flawed process that must end. Disciplinary action against a student making false charges must conversely be instituted.

Firing Stephen Hsu will chill the study of the questions he is examining and capitulate to the mob. This will further undermine the intellectual character of the university.

As a Jew, watching vital institutions choose to abandon their mandates (let alone basic human decency and intellectual honesty) due to fear of the mob scares the life out of me. Please call your history department and ask them about the Spanish Inquisition, or to remind you of the lessens we were supposed to have learned from China, Russia and Germany before/during WWII.

It's often when it's easiest to cower, that bravery is most needed.

I would encourage the university to consider accepting the University of Chicago model of free speech and encouragement of open debate on campus.

Only through exposure to different ideas and learning how to properly critique them, then logically refute them if necessary, can students learn the critical thinking skills they will need to become effective leaders of tomorrow.

Hsu's work in embryo selection may eliminate some of the worst forms of suffering

Only by refusing to be intimidated by these ignorant, digital mobs can we protect the foundational values of our society which provide it with its means of dynamic stability and, indeed, social progress. These mobsters, if victorious, will take us back to fundamental intolerance and rigid barriers to intellectual and scientific enquiry. Thank You, Simon Mundy

Please do not allow a witch hunt against Dr Hai and uphold academic freedom.

It is embarrassing to have to do this in our country.

Dr. Hsu's dismissal would be a stain upon Michigan State and upon your good name.

I have known Professor Stephen Hsu for years. He is a fine scientist, scientific administrator, and human being. He has always been supportive of those from all ethnic backgrounds and gender. Allegations that he is a racist are despicable lies.

The academy of which we are proud members cannot be bullied by people acting unethically, using such tactics to force a win-lose situation. I hope Hsu does no tbecome some sacrificial lamb.

Academic freedom is being threatened and that's not okay.

firing Hsu would be a serious breech of academic freedom. he is a serious scientist with sound views. giving in to the mob only encourages them to more extreme behaviour. who next?

Resist the Animal Farm mentality gripping academia!!

Just read that George Orwell's statue is being torn down, please resist the mob!!!

Dr Hsu seems to be being punished for engaging in robust discussion of contemporary social problems in what, to me, is a clear attempt to promote better understanding of the issues. From all that I have seen he is always respectful of other’s ideas and sensitivities while scientifically exploring examples and conversing with those actively researching those matters. Is there a ‘crime’ to be punished? Well, there is no defined crime. Rather there is an alleged hurt ‘stream of consciousness’. Protestations of hurt, where merely stating a feeling of hurt is being weaponised.

In support of a stranger of integrity and curiosity.

Although not resident in the USA academic freedom is vital and no mob should be able to remove a staff member except for gross misconduct

Having prominent Asian Americans as key supporters of the best parts of the American founding-- freedom of speech and inquiry-- is really important to our national survival.

The cancel culture disease infecting social media is starting to damage academics in their search for scientific truth. It's not just a first amendment issue, it's cancelling out the spirit of inquiry and openness that allows us to move forward.

Please stop this horrible effort before it causes a backlash on higher education (which IS coming) and allow civil discourse to be allowed on campuses instead of censorship by the mob.

The thread of accusations is perhaps the flimsiest I have ever seen, and at times borders on the laughable. The academy must stand up to these illiberal bullies.

Academic freedom must be respected. If his research is wronged prove it work better research. If it was wrong to censor Galileo, it is wrong to censor this man for research done in good faith.

Men produce sperm, women carry ova. One cannot produce one or the other simply at will. Generally, male bodies produce male hormones, female bodies produce female hormones, naturally. One can dress as one wishes, call oneself what one wishes, but that's as far as it usually goes.

All science is open to contest, and must be continually reviewed.

Dr. Hsu should be allowed to share his ideas freely without fear of harm. Stop purging people.

I read up on the complaints of the accusers and it doesn't seem like there is much there. It is a basic tenant of genetics that traits vary in populations and between populations. It doesn't seem like he claimed any one race is specifically superior or anything like that. The idea of selecting embryos free from disease doesn't seem that controversial to me either. People currently do this through selective abortions of children with down syndrome from example all the time. If we sensor ideas certain groups do not like or censure science in general it will be a terrible day for the world. As a geneticist I think this is being blown out of proportion although I will caveat that with I don't know the man personally. It does seem like a far left element is pushing a specific interpretation that is not widely held by scientists or the public at large to attack him.

You can not allow Mob rule in your organisation. Sooner or latter the Mob will come for you.

Protect free speech and Prof Hsu

My dad fought for freedom - this is the least that I can do.

Freedom of speech is a basic American right and an absolute necessity to science. Harassment of Dr. Hsu must cease.

Universities are institutions which, more than any others, should support diversity of thought. Promoting diversity of race or gender but insisting that they all think in exactly the same way isn’t really supporting diversity, it’s just racism and sexism. This professor is not any kind of bigot, as he has been falsely accused of being.

No university should submit to unfounded demands from an aggressive minority to punish a staff member or student. Rather, it should vigorously uphold the principles of fair and impartial due process that are the precious cornerstones of our civilisation.

I manage a large porfolio of cryptocurrency assets at a Silicon Valley investment firm. I follow a wide variety of cutting edge thinkers all across the political spectrum, and Steve Hsu has consistently been one of my favorites over the years. I'd characterize him as a left-liberal leaning intellectual who (unlike the Cultural Revolution 2.0 rabble coming after him) entertains a wide variety of novel ideas and is extremely interested in *reality*, wherever its conclusions lead.

Firing or in any way penalizing Dr. Hsu for his supposed thought crime would be a gargantuan blow to free speech, free thought, and the social/intellectual tapestry of academia.

Let the man keep his job

Use your head.

The allegations against this man are egregious. I Had sign this letter, in bold font.

Scientific inquiry based on intellectual curiosity should answer to no authority except "Truth".

Dear Pres. Stanley, it is with profound concern that I sign this petition. The trend of accusing and having responsible people fired from their positions because their work does not literally, word for word, conform to the political (not scientific) ideology of the day is absolutely antithetical to scientific inquiry and freedom of thought as well as academic freedom. It is more akin to the Inquisition, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the Jacobins in France, the Nazis, and many other instances where the stated goal of social justice turns into bloody tyranny instead. Please, I beg you, stand up against this perversion of “justice”, after all how would these people feel if the tables were turned.

Support MSU's freedom of thought and consultation

Academics must not submit to the caprices and feelings of society. They must serve the truth as they can best define it, seek to invalidate what they know and pursue this regardless of the hurt feelings.

It is ridiculous that one even needs a petition to protect the job and work of someone so valuable

Steve Hsu is a scholar and if MSU wants to be known as a place where scholarship is welcome even over politics it will support him.

Steve has brought intelligence and nuance to a wide variety of research topics and I greatly appreciate his voice. He has my complete and total support, any institution would be lucky to have him.

The end this malicious targeting of Mr Hsu.

Adapting Niemöller: First they came for the professors, and I did not speak up because I was not a professor. Then they came for the journalists, and I did not speak up because I was not a journalist. Then they came for people at big tech companies, and I did not speak up because I was not at a big tech company.... Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up for me.

I have always looked up at the American way, its institutions, and unique Constitution. It is sad to see these days that universities ranked highest in the world are giving in to the totalitarian way of thinking and acting, and, myself living in a communist regime, I may say that not these principles got the fame of US Universities. You have the power to say no to totalitarian way, who eats the nations from within.

The values of logic and fairness are rapidly disappearing in the U.S. Hopefully this petition will help push back the tide of ad hominem attacks.

I’ve known Dr Stephen Hsu for over 12 years, and he is a brilliant researcher, prepared to tackle the most difficult challenges. We need more creative, intelligent and unbiased people like Stephen in academia.

I know Mr Hsu's work well and, with the best of my will, I can't get it in touch with any forms of discrimination against individuals or groups of people. In a time when free thinking, speaking and thus research is increasingly threatened by political groups, I see it as my scientific duty to assist my attacked colleagues. Campaigns like the one against Mr Hsu work with the instruments of fear, trying to make an example to force silence from those who hold different opinions. Therefore, I see this attack also as an attack on myself.

Support freedom of speech.

I have read Dr. Hsu's blog regularly for many years & find the allegations preposterous.

Against suppression of science.

How can expect progress of any kind, without honest and tolerant discussion!? Honestly and openly discussing objective data and/or testing hypotheses in good faith should never be perceived as bigotry, racism or prejudice in isolation. Humanity (and particularly academics and scientists) cannot afford to squash, censor, delete or cancel controversial ideas or discussions, one may just be the solution we need.

Censuring free speech means The Dark Ages for Academia. Let's not go there.

re-read On the liberty by John Stuart Mill, please!

Please speak up against mob driven injustice. Reason, freedom of inquiry and evidence based discussions need to prevail.

Open debate should not be stiffled in such an unnecessry way. We'll not advance our learning if one opinion is allowed to silence another in this way. Free speech must also be protected.

I have no doubt you'll cave, President Stanley-this is just to let you know the contempt that lovers of free speech will feel for you when you do.

Free inquiry is the basis of progress.

As an adult student, I hold no academic credentials, but upon investigating the presented evidence I would like to publically voice my support for Dr Hsu in this matter.

We will not let the ankle biters win this one.

I fully support Stephen Hsu

Universities depend on the open exchange of ideas, including those considered unorthodox and/or controversial. The current "cancel culture", populated by progressives hellbent on eliminating opposition to their orthodoxy is truly frightening. Their bullying tactics, including erasing the careers of people they disagree with, are abhorrent and an affront to university tradition and the First Amendment of the US Constitution. If the voices of those we disagree with are silenced, universities will become cultural dogma training centers.They are already halfway there. I read through the "evidence" provided by those wanting Dr. Hsu's removal. I found nothing in them that equated to falsely yelling "fire!" in a crowded movie theater. I didn't agree with many of the things he said, but I don't have to.

Freedom of speech and freedom of ideas are central to a free society. And evidence based rule of law is also central to a free and functioning society. If you give in to mob rule, with no evidence of wrongdoing by this professor, you will be opening a Pandora's Box of opportunity for students to take down whomever displeases them for whatever unsubstantiated accusation. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why we depend on evidence and rule of law for a well managed and fair and just society.

This campaign of character assassination is a threat to academic freedom, *everywhere*.

I trust you will do everything possible to ensure justice prevails

Academic freedom and 1st Amendment rights are vital to this country

Firing academics at the demand of a mob is intolerable. Please do not do this.

Stephen Hsu's statements are (a) protected by any interpretation of free academic speech and (b) consistent with current research on individual and group differences.

Comparing eugenics where people where sterilized based on their race and intelligence to the modern idea of preventing disease and selecting genes that produce good traits, is absolutely horrible.

Trying to get Hsu fired for this is completely unjustifiable.

Removing Dr. Hsu under these circumstances would be criminal.

We must rebuild a culture of non-judgemental data collection. The fearless pursuit of knowledge by shining light on all ideas, politically inconvenient or not. Only then can we find a truly ethical path forward for all.

I support all good-faith scientific research and I encourage public intellectuals, including Dr. Hsu, to continue speaking freely and transparently.

An action such as this jeopardizes the foundation of what education was built on. University will no longer be a place to challenge ideals and speak our truths. Instead it will be a place of fear, where students and professors will not feel comfortable to do such things. This is also an assault on free speech.

Let's defend open inquiry and respectful conversation about it.

I viewed several of Professor Hsu's videos that have lead to this criticism, and read several of his blog posts, and was impressed by his careful scientific assessments, and his sensitivity to the possible harm that could come from jumping to insufficiently-supported conclusions. His scholarship appears to me to be not just acceptable, but exemplary.

Make a stand against those who would force us to be ignorant.

I am a Jewish man married to a Jewish Israeli woman and we both strongly support Stephen. Please note that history WILL look back on all of what is going on now and judge it with clarity. We all expect more from our Academic Institutions, and we are not getting it. Please be a leader and stand up to this move to restrict all speech ... because that is where this is heading.

As an Israeli Jewish woman and entrepreneur, living in America, and an inventor of a commercial cancer drug, XPOVIO, I strongly support Stephen Hsu. I do not find any of his positions or speech to be anti-Semitic or hate-filled. On the contrary, there are many groups currently "in vogue" who publicly post blatant anti-Semitic positions and I have not noted any condemnation of such positions from this or frankly almost any other American institution.

Dr. Hsu's work is seminal, crucial. The mob silencing him might be the ultimate in today's censorship from the Left, which dwarfs the McCarthyism that the Left continues to harp on 75 Years later.

Absolutely do not cancel this scientist. MSU needs to rehabilitate it’s reputation and stifling scientific inquiry and freedom of speech will do lasting damage. Be courageous, don’t kowtow to the “safe spaces” mob.

Stop the Witch Hunt! This is going WAY too FAR!

I'm a former MSU graduate and would be ashamed to see the university censor this professor.

I am the son of two MSU alumni, and grew up in East Lansing Michigan. While I support societal efforts to reduce and eliminate systemic racism, I believe first in the value of academic and scientific freedom of inquiry. Criticisms of professor Hsu's ideas and findings must take place in transparent peer review, NOT in the mob of social media.

I have written many articles *against* scientists who believe that whites are genetically smarter than blacks. Through this process of vigorous intellectual debate, I have been able to find a lot of surprising data that strengthens the position that no such genetic advantage exists (for example, black Africans have perennially outperformed whites in academics in British schools). Many of my opponents have admitted that this data presents an explicandum that disturbs their confidence.

Whatever the case, this is a valid scientific question and it would be very unfortunate if everyone who just decides to look at the question from a hereditarian or evolutionary perspective was automatically labeled a vile 'racist,' and professionally damned for the sin of wondering aloud.

I migrated to the United States only because I thought this is the one country where such vicious cruelty against free inquiry into heretical subjects is least tolerated, especially in the university. It is truly frightening to think that I might have been naively deceived by my own desperate wish for the existence of such a lonesome place on our planet: perhaps our human civilization is just not that evolved yet.

I do not believe Dr.Hsu is either racist or sexist and as a scientific community we need to uphold ideals of academic inquiry and freedom of speech.

Academic freedom is more important than identity politics. Don’t fall for the trap President Stanley.

Intellectual freedom must be defended if it is to survive. These accusations appear to be based on narrow misreadings of fairly uncontroversial statements of broad consensus viewpoints within Professor Hsu's field.

These are unwarranted accusations. Stand up for sanity.

It's so sad that we have arrived at this stage that we have to defend academic intellectual freedom this way. Please note, mob justice is not justice.

A University is a place … whither students come from every quarter for every kind of knowledge; … a place for the communication and circulation of thought, by means of personal intercourse. … It is the place to which a thousand schools make contributions; in which the intellect may safely range and speculate. It is a place where inquiry is pushed forward, … discov- eries verified and perfected, and … error exposed, by the collision of mind with mind, and knowledge with knowledge. … Mutual education, in a large sense of the word, is one of the great and incessant occupa- tions of human society. … One generation forms anoth- er. … We must consult the living man and listen to his living voice, … by familiar intercourse … to adjust together the claims and relations of their respective subjects of investigation. Thus is created a pure and clear atmosphere of thought, which the student also breathes.” So wrote John Henry Newman in The Idea of a University in 1852.

Those who speak the truth and do the right thing should not be treated violently! Acquired the mob who held justice and axioms in the guise of robbery!

Academia should be a place for free interchange of ideas, as should the world.

We should strongly defend freedom of academics and freedom of research.

I understand the desire to call out problematic behavior, but this just seems like overblown nonsense. Looking at the first Hsu-Molyneux clip that the GEU linked on Twitter, for example, Hsu was saying, basically "Yes, it's theoretically possible, but you really shouldn't be starting with that thesis, because it's pretty unlikely". Which is the correct scientific response to someone pushing racist theories. If this is the worst the GEU has to say about him, then he looks like a fine scientist, and not a bigot.

When someone states his opinion, we should review and listen it. Do we base on the racial minorities to pick up NBA players? If we do, will it be better? Think about it. Thanks.

Dr Hsu's public comments does not crossed any red lines. Open honest discussion in academic institution is fundamental for us as a national to move forward in 21st century. Best regards,

Keep Dr. Stephen Hsu in his position

It is disheartening to witness people trying to shut down scientific research and railroad a person's career because of it.

What Dr. Hsu is facing is a witch hunt.

Scientists and science study should be independent, shouldn’t be affected and involved in political things.

Cancel culture inhibits clear thinking.

Please keep scientific purity

Wake up

I am a student in Japan. I protest for the freedom of academic.

stand up to the mob

When researchers are forced aside by the whims of a mob that shuns nuance in favor of quick outrage, the cause of scientific honesty suffers dearly, and cowardice creeps like vines over our most cherished institutions.

Classic liberalism was based on the free expression of ideas. What we are seeing today is classic Marxism intent on myopic world views that conform to rigid ideologies.

I have watched a presentation from him and read some of his work and have no reason to believe that he is a sexist or racist. I have no reason to believe he is trying to promote sexist or racists beliefs.

I have known Steve Hsu for a long time. I have found him to be honest and brave in speaking his mind.

Support academic freedom!

When someone states his opinion, we should review and listen it. Do we base on the racial minorities to pick up NBA players? If we do, will it be better? Think about it. Thanks.

Mob justice by arbitrary taboo is not healthy for our country.

Justice ≠ Mob noise

Science and academia must be free of political interference.

Support Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech!

We need science to be unfettered by ideological attacks- especially ideological attacks that have nearly zero supporting, scientific evidence.

This country has been kidnapped by politician who is pushing us backward!

To share, discuss, and promote literature is a fundamental aspect of research and inquiry. To punish someone for sharing the "wrong" published work or for expressing what you may see as an abundance of uncertainty is in opposition to everything my university should support. When we refuse to look for answers because we may not like them we end up as a worse society. MSU deserves better and Stephen deserves better.

Of all institutions, Universities should be places where there is diversity of thought and inquiry.

Freedom requires free exchange of ideas, without prejudice or bias, but with a passion to learn, and to learn because you enjoy knowledge for everyone.

Professor Hsu is not a racist, the accusations against him (at least the ones I know of) are tantamount to saying that any research in the area of population genetics as a whole must be "cancelled." Also, for what its worth, the Nazis weren't Nazis because of knowledge of genetics, they were nazis for reasons that have lurked in men's hearts since time immemorial, certainly since before Gregor Mendel came along. If genetics were unknown to them they still would have been Nazis and they still would have killed people, they just would have had a different rationale; Just saying.

U.S A should be a freedom of speech country.

Dr Hsu is a brilliant scientist and entrepreneur who lets science dictate his opinions. Let’s not get carried away with the emotion of the moment

I support open scientific inquiry and believe Dr. Hsu did the right thing to spread scientific consensus about controversial topics as publicly as he can.

Science and Politics are totally different matters. Every body needs to respect the Science.

Steve Hsu is a fine quality academic who represents the best of America. He's being censored because he dare speak his mind. This political correctness that has engulfed our country is modern day Maoist thuggery, reminiscent of China during the era of the Cultural Revolution. These individuals persecuting Steve Hsu are akin to the Red Guards of Maoist China. It's revolting to see an upstanding citizen like Steve Hsu mistreated like this by MSU. This is a black mark on the reputation of this university, which clearly no longer appreciates the tradition of open inquiry and academic freedom.

I am disappointed in Michigan State and its administration for this fiasco reaching this point. I support Steve Hsu and his career and the academic freedom his plight represents.

You can choose to be a vanguard against the fradulent 'social justice' warriors, or not. Yet, capitulation wins you no points with them, as they eat their own, kill their intellectual fathers, and desecrate their mothers.

I cannot believe we have reached the days in this country when disagreement with a peer reviewed study is expressed in academic circles by ostracizing the individual rather than by making counter claims and providing evidentiary support for them.

Dr. Hsu's sweeping intellect is an inspiration to everyone at our firm and seeing him lose his position would be a tragedy.

The land of the free contemplating sacking someone for no real reason at all. History will not be kind to this period of humanity

I got the chance to know Steve through his podcast on Manifold, and it's the only place that I have found to be worthwhile. It truly is a gem. Lot of experts, whether you agreed with them or not, can share their perspective and it certainly made me a smarter, more well-rounded person. It's hard to find dialogues like that these days because the mob and cancel culture is dominating the entire discourse. There is no room for debate; one is either with it or against it. I tell people that it's ironic America has all these freedoms including speech, yet it has more censorship than any other country.

It would be a serious mistake to let Steve go. We've seen these mob hits before, but I hope MSU does the right thing and re-instate Steve Hsu.

This is another disgraceful identity politics power play. You are not fooling anyone.

Freedom of enquiry has always been the defining aspect of a university. Any university willing to kowtow to the baying hordes is not worth the name.

It is very depressing to see how freedom of speech and opinion is declining in your country.

The current Cancel Culture is TOXIC

I expected more integrity from an institution of higher learning than what MSU has demonstrated toward Professor Hsu. I'm losing faith in America's competitiveness in innovative scientific research as our research centers bow to political correctness. I encourage MSU GEU's participants transfer to Chinese universities because I guarantee you that they'd blend into the party line right away and no troubling dissent will ever surface.

Let's call for the resignation of the MSU president on grounds that he failed to uphold institutional integrity. He didn't stand against the mob. Maybe he should see what it feels like. Weak leadership is destroying our HE institutions.

Regards from Australasia camp and base. Utmost respect and support.

Academic freedom should not be hampered by a "politically correct" mob.

As someone who has also been targeted and censured for my views, I feel strong sympathy for Dr. Hsu

I reject the purging of Americans from their positions for holding unpopular opinions and ideas.

Dismiss such charges of racism and sexism against Hsu will really contribute to make America great again!!

Censorship any kind is wrong. Democracy dies in silence.

Science must not be constrained by ideology. Finding facts is one thing. What we make of them is another. Stephen Hsu is being treated very unfairly. I have published against scientific racism. That term should not be attached to Professor Hsu. Those who want to do that are ignorant of the history of scientific racism and its place in the history of ideas. In any case, what is happening to Professor Hsu represents an organised effort against freedom of inquiry.

Succumbing to the hecklers' veto is cowardice.

If the MSU president bends the knee to ideological puritans, he will send the message to all students and faculty researchers that expulsion or termination is simply a matter of when, not if.

And for doing what? What is this attempted thought-criminal purging really accomplishing? How insufferably useless is an academic who doesn't manage to instigate a backlash for upsetting the prevailing orthodox opinion?

All the great thinkers, past and present, by nature and obligation infuriate zealots with a sanctimonious axe to grind.

Professor Hsu's ability to thoughtfully and perspicaciously examine some of the most taboo subjects in any scientific field today is a boast-worthy accomplishment for any scientist.

These allegations against professor Hsu are false and everyone knows it. This institution lacks integrity and does not deserve to have someone as experienced as Professor Hsu. He has done nothing more than present the facts of his research, which has already been validated and replicated in several other studies.

Professor Hsu is an excellent researcher and is well respected among those in academia. He is not racist not sexist and the false accusations are grotesque.

Politics have no place in science.

1984 was not intended to be an instruction manual.

Without freedom to engage in scientific inquiry we might as well be in the dark ages

I'm in an academic discipline that over the last month has become extremely intolerant, so I don't want my university affiliation on this letter for the sake of future employment

We must always review our bias and never be certain of foregone conclusions, especially due to the immediate outrage of only one certain group. We should follow truth & evidence wherever it leads... to fire those that do sets an incredibly dangerous precedent.

To take someones job away because he holds views you don't agree with is an abuse of power.

Even if it's expired I want to express my support to Prof. Hsu.

Cancel culture is in theory a boon to the societal order, but given it is in the hands of the internet’s lowest common denominators it is subject to great perversion, such as in this instance. I cannot fully express in words my disgust for the actions of these students as it is clear they seek cheap heroism through exploiting this new trend. The power to cancel should rest in the hands of a racially diverse and educated group, not social justice warriors online who likely have never lifted a finger to alleviate the issues of racism, sexism and institutionalized disadvantages.