Letters of Support

Many individuals who have written to President Stanley in support of Hsu do not want their identities or letters made public. The letters below are from writers who are willing to disclose their letters and identifies:

  1. Letter from Joseph Cesario, Corey Washington, Wei Liao, John JIang, MSU:

    1. Corey Washington, Director of Analytics and Strategic Projects, OSVPRI

    2. Joseph Cesario, Associate Professor, Psychology

    3. Wei Liao, Professor and Director, MSU Anaerobic Digestion Research and Education Center, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

    4. John (Xuefeng) Jiang, Professor and Plante Moran Faculty Fellow, Accounting and Information Systems

  2. Letter from Corey Washington, Director of Analytics, MSU

  3. Letter from Zach Hambrick, Professor of Psychology, MSU

  4. Letter from Tobin Craig, Associate Professor of Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, James Madison College MSU

  5. Letter from Mark Dykman, Professor of Physics, MSU

  6. Letter from Matt McGue, Regents Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota

  7. Letter from Russell Warne, Associate Professor of Psychology, Utah Valley University

  8. Letter from James Lee, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota

  9. Letter from Richard Haier, Emeritus Professor, UC Irvine, author of The Neuroscience of Intelligence (Cambridge)

  10. Letter from Markus Haller

  11. Letter from Steven Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology, Harvard University