7-8  June 2024  | Corinth, Greece and online

will take place at University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece
and online organized by Prof. Despina Karakatsani

coordinated by

Center for Personal and Social Transformations, Kyiv,Ukraine.

Conference is financially supported by nccr - on the move, National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration Mobility Nexus.

Conference is co-organized by partners in 15 countries from different continents: 

Researchers and PhD students in Psychology, Education, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, History

are invited to discuss the following topics:

1. Migration and integration of migrants;
2. Inequalities and discrimination: the role of state and non-state actors;
3. Role of state, stakeholders and civil society in migration processes;
4. Role of history and culture in migration and integration;
5. Psychological support of individuals and groups in crisis;
6. Psychological well-being and crisis resilience in contemporary world;
7. Citizenship education and migration,
8. Global citizenship, national identity and education;
9. Public opinion on political and economic issues in conditions of overlapping crises;
10. Psycho-economic aspects of organizational activities and positive organizational behaviour in crisis economy;
11. Gender facets of discrimination and inequalities;
12. Preconditions and consequences of the wars in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel. 

Short articles guidelines: 1200 – 1500 words, please avoid footnotes and figures. References must be limited to a maximum of 6 and should follow the guidelines of the APA style (Manual of Publication of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition). On the top of articles: authors’ name and surname, scientific degree, title, position, affiliation, ORCID.

A theoretical study should include: 1) introduction, 2) objectives, 3) results, 4) conclusions.
An empirical study should include: 1) introduction, 2) objectives, 3) method and procedure, 4) results, 5) conclusions. 

These units should be clearly separated in the text.
Short articles should be sent to email: conferencepesc@gmail.com in *.doc, *docx by 15 May, 2024 

Art-PESC direction of the conference invites artists, film-makers, photographers and other representatives of creative professions to participate in discussions of societally important issues both in person and by posting images and videos of their pieces of art on the conference website with author`s societally important message. 

Protocol of the conference:

Conference language is English.
Participation is free of charge.
Conference proceedings will be published in English with ISBN.

Download the presentation template (.ppt).

For further information, please contact the following email addresses:

Despina Karakatsani, PhD
Professor at the Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece.
✉️ despikar@yahoo.gr 

Irina Bondarevska, PhD
Associate Professor; Senior Researcher in nccr – on the move in Laboratory of Social Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Founder and Head of the Board of Center for Personal and Social Transformations, Kyiv, Ukraine.
✉️ ibondarevskaya@yahoo.com

Andreia Giacomozzi, PhD
Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Laboratory of Social Psychology of Communication and Cognition, Florianopolis, Brazil.
✉️ agiacomozzi@hotmail.com

Event location