Grading Policy


The current NJROTC policy for quizzes, tests, personnel inspections and PT (Physical Training) is as follows:

· Grading for all quizzes and tests will include neatness/legibility, spelling and grammar at the discretion of the SNSI and NSI. Graded areas will be weighted as follows:

· Homework 5%

· Formal and Informal assessments /Tests-Uniform Inspections and Military Bearing 60%

· Current Event Articles Physical Training 35%

· All quizzes and tests may be re-taken one time only, per discretion of the SNSI/NSI a test missed for whatever reason must be taken prior to the next quiz or test, or within one week after the original testing.

· Personnel Inspections must be stood in the prescribed Uniform of the Day.

· Any missed personnel inspections (excused or unexcused) must be made up no later than the following Tuesday morning.

· Two missed personnel inspections (excused or unexcused) not made-up will result in Academic Probation.

· The PT grading policy is as follows:

Complete prescribed PT uniform. 50 points

Participation...……..……….……………… 50 points

Total possible points per session………….100

· There will be at least two graded physical fitness tests, which, if passed will count for the Physical Fitness Ribbon

· Non-participation in PT sessions for which a written excuse/note (Chit) is provided will not count against the cadet.

· Chits, (written excuse/notes) must be written and signed by a parent, guardian or physician, and must include the effective dates, or time period covered by the excuse.


Policies (Rules)

Anything that distracts from any Cadet's ability to learn will not be tolerated.

Disrespect will not be tolerated. Respect is paid to the SNSI/NSI and fellow Cadets by not talking when a lesson is being presented. Respect is paid to fellow Cadets by not teasing when questions are asked. Remember, the only stupid question is the one that is not asked.

Profanity will not be tolerated. Profanity serves only to show the Cadet's insufficient vocabulary.

Honesty is the only policy. For cheating on any test, quiz or homework - a Cadet will earn grade of 0. In addition, for cheating on a test the Cadet will be sent to the office.

The Cadet is to come to class prepared to learn. They must bring their notebook, textbook and pencil to class each day. The notebook should contain all class notes, worksheets and homework assignments.

If needed, the Cadet is to use the restroom and get water before class. Leaving the classroom to go to the restroom will be allowed only in emergencies.

The SNSI/NSI, not the bell, will dismisses the class; so the Cadets are to remain in their seats until dismissed by the SNSI/NSI. The bell was designed to let the SNSI/NSI know that the class time has ended.

Consequences for Misbehavior

1st Offense:

Verbal Warning

2nd Offense:

20 Minutes after-school Extra-Military Instruction (to be served the next day - transportation is the responsibility of the student)

3rd Offense:

30 Minutes after-school Extra-Military Instruction (to be served the next day - transportation is the responsibility of the student)

4th Offense:

Go to the Office, Parental Conference and additional Extra-Military Instruction

Classroom Procedures:

Students will raise their hand to be recognized before speaking.

If a student has a question, they are to ask the SNSI/NSI. Remember, the only stupid question is the one that is not asked!

When the student is absent, it is their responsibility to find out what was missed and make it up as soon as possible. There will be a designated area where any handouts will be kept for each student that has been absent.

Each Cadet will be responsible for their own WORK even when working in a group.

Graded tests will be returned to the Student, after reviewing, and will be kept on file for review if needed.

Progress reports will be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the SNSI/NSI.

Re-tests will not be given. (Make-up tests will be given for excused absences.) At the SNSI/NSI's discretion, one test grade may be eliminated for the semester.

Attendance and Absences



  • A written excuse note from a teacher turned in to me.
  • A written note from office.
  • A written excuse note from a teacher turned in to me.
  • A written or verbal note from parent or guardian turned in to office.
  • Inclusion in the official absentee sheet as excused.
  • Signed out in office by parent or guardian.
  • A written note from another teacher.
  • Official school event.


  • No note from teacher.
  • You will not be able to go back and get one...
  • ASK before you leave!
  • No note from home.
  • No note from another teacher.

Course Grades will determined as follows: click link below