First and most important, your child needs a positive attitude and willingness to work hard and have fun!
They do NOT need to have experience!
For rehearsals your child will need:
White shorts for all campers (for show nights)
A recording device – most commonly a cell phone. This is used to record dance sequences and the music they will need to learn. Recording allows them to rehearse at home.
A light snack – no meals are provided by PAC to the students so it’s best they pack a snack. Juice and applesauce are available for purchase at camp. Soda is available for the older kids!
Pedinis for Group 1 and Group 2 girls – Pedinis are dance shoes that can be purchased at dance stores (All That Jazz in Wexford offers PAC campers a discount) or online. Group 3, 4 and 5 girls – don’t purchase dance shoes in advance of the start of PAC. We will determine needs once camp begins.
Black Jazz Shoes for boys
Bodyliner for girls – Bodyliners are skin-toned leotards available at dance stores. These are used to keep the girls bodies covered during costume changes.
Pencil/Highlighter – Students will be provided scripts, however writing notes or highlighting their roles will be important so have a pencil on hand!
One 1.5 inch 3-ring binder for your scripts.
For Show Nights your child will need:
Makeup – PAC will provide a make up list for all campers. Any specialty make up for certain characters will be provided by PAC. On show nights students can arrive in make up or utilize a volunteer to teach them make up application.
A light snack – Students are expected to arrive having eaten dinner already however the night is long and if the timing allows they can eat a clean snack (nothing colorful or messy) as the students will remain in costume the entire night and we cannot risk stains or spills.
Water (no soda, juice or colored drinks!)