

Evaluation times for your child are the same times as their regular camp time. All parents of all groups come for the mandatory meeting in the auditorium 8:30-9:30am.

Typical Rehearsal Times - Expect rehearsals 7 days a week during camp

Group 1 – Students leaving 2nd and 3rd grade

Group 2 – Students leaving 4th and 5th grade

Group 3 – Students leaving 6th-8th grade

Group 4 – Students leaving 9th-12th grade

Group 5 

Group 5 is held Monday through Saturday 8:30am-12. Tuition for full day will be $1,350

Group 5 – Students leaving 6-12th grade who wish to perform in the non-musical

The staff takes a break between 12-12:45

Additional Rehearsal Time

As we approach show times, rehearsal times will change, dates may be added and older groups may stay late. Being a part of PAC means being flexible! 


First Shows will run Friday July 5th AND Saturday July 6th

Second Shows will run Friday July 12th AND Saturday July 13th

Shows nights will feature a performance from Group 5 in the late afternoon. Groups 1-4 will hold their shows on Friday and Saturday evening so everyone can enjoy ALL the shows.

Dress Rehearsals

On the day of the performances, we will have a complete run-through of each show. These shows are open to the public and a wonderful opportunity for friends, or any family members who are more comfortable with an earlier show time. No tickets required for dress rehearsals.

There will be one intermission however, no concessions are sold onsite.

A note about tickets

Tickets are sold through PAC and forms will be provided after PAC rehearsals have begun. Stay tuned for more!


Performing Arts Camp


PAC Coordinator:

Dru Cox