Diversity Links

Both for the benefit of early career number theorists who may be searching for such a group and as way to spread the word about initiatives led by underrepresented mathematicians, we want to highlight several organizations that are working to improve diversity and support underrepresented groups in mathematics. We welcome additions to this list; just send an e-mail to point.organizers@gmail.com! Note that we are NOT implying that any of the organizations below endorse POINT.

African Women in Mathematics Association

Association for Women in Mathematics (North America based)

Committee for Women in Mathematics - International Mathematical Union committee to support women in math (global focus)

European Women in Mathematics

Indian Women and Mathematics

Lathims - feature prominently the research and mentoring contributions of Latinx mathematicians (North America based)

Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (North America based)

Spectra - for LGBTQ+ mathematicians and their allies (North America based)

Women in Numbers