Project End of Days Virtual Gallery

The Project End of Days Art Installation features both art and poetry by T. Byron Kelly exhibited at Montgomery Museum of Art & History  , Gray Gallery and XYZ Gallery in Western Virginia over several decades.

*This exhibit is ongoing

T .Byron Kelly- January/February 2009 Exhibit @ 

Montgomery Museum of Art & History


O that blackbird swarmed by a silver/green rainbow of Flies, sinking into yesterday's meadow. Ancient Father, I wanted to seek you in all earnestness/ farther past the nights of my blackest visions/ In that space I called and the terror ran screaming. Angels in that whitest raiment sang the glory of our truer dreaming/ As the soul in the calm rapture exists as a symbol/We must move this bleak objective asunder. Great green corridor is this wild shaded flowing mosque. Alive, the somber air permits the flutter of dragon fly wings/ now reflected by the brown and crimson currency of this oldest River's wishes/Where this ebbing water wonders the indifference of stones, You had said Go/Go seek the Sun/ I went wandering after a poem. July 1996 Revised 7/26/2006 Painting-Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas.Copyright T. Byron K. 1995 "The new wash'd lamb ting'd with the village smoke & the bright swan By the red earth of our immortal river: I bathe my wings." (from)VISIONS of the Daughters of Albion The Eye sees more than the Heart knows. Printed by Will:m Blake: 1793.

Word Painting- That slower sway of an evening's dreaming, shadowy leaves shift in quiet questions of wind. This later May now bathed in an ephemeral Light, angelic, wondrous, & known of Heaven. How the Earth rejoices crowned in an amazement of flowers everywhere. Trans-formative Love- & Grace to you-as Light speaks. May/June 2005 Inside a dance of wind & sent of Heaven/ Upon the brightest wish of new flowers- Sunlight's kiss. 4/29/2005 From "Light&Shadow" Copyright T. Byron K. 2005

Hands and feet still bleeding- Christ sensed the healing/ as w/in your gaze of mercy, Mary. Illuminated O mystical rose w/in a tall mesa of Summered clouds. Gathering silks a spider strains and in liberation strands flow whisper soft/ Standing at this lonely gate again-O world pretending, fallow words/ Days follow days into shattered illusion/ A collusion of self into forever or better Love entwines the vacant heart and Heaven breathes again-if only we believe w/in this lost season. O fair Autumn of our pale and sullen desires. Contemplation surety, First frost, Walnut willing, Rogue Mtn. Sky Chill of Summers ending. October 1997 Painting- Copyright T. Byron K. 1997


& quieted 


by evening






weeps of

ice & 




leaves still








lost in 





From Light &Shadow

Painting-Virginia Midnight (2003)

"You go work on your poem" she said> Forgotten sorrows as dusk is drawn and slow falling/ I listen to the high crows amid hints of snow-light. Sunday & all too certain of grey. Lost leaves swirl inside a cold wind [again]. 10/26-28/2008 From Light&Shadow Photograph with digital effect. 2008

Last leaves like rain Pour orange into black by (noon) (shaken of Mountain thunder) & Falling like High Heaven's lost Angels/ What faded flowers will again mourn beside this Autumned grave of Old Earth's Witness? 10/5/2006 From "Light&Shadow" Copyright 2005 T. Byron K.

After sudden Twilight a moonlit poem such brilliant lustre [given] pale as death/ From "The Beginning of the End" Copyright T. Byron K. 2004


the new air



the Sun after

a muse of cloud 



too many

Hours have




From Light &Shadow

Painting-August 20 th (2001)

We are tempted into moving across boundaries of ourselves, invisible hands at the helm of this great ship's turning, gesturing past the night, heart felt caravans strung out amid golden stars, all now calling us homeward./ From "Night Crossing" Copyright 1993 T. Byron K.

Upon first hearing those exuberant voices-Eternal flashes-flowers of astounding Other-worldliness/ This Star wrought story arranges what must already be considered of us-constellations of being Consecration, concentration; Cool stone Labyrinth of ideas merged into light. Though that cruel laughter fraught or torn w/in faces strewn within tears or the blood of unholy hatred/ as lives careen-stolen cars aflame w/ desperation- I opened the only door again that day; As latter leaves sway the balm/ solstice amber evening tide/ I could believe you Again, of redemption Despite the crooked road-O nothing crown- As mutation of sin or perversions pleasures/ are not without Light-our tender soul built life, it leads us abliss/past the rust kiln shop of this desperate heart.. What holy needs beyond our loneliness? Early Summer 1997 From "Advent-Alpha" Painting Copyright T. Byron K. 1994

Where praise is resolution- Would I wait there like a Virginia blue sky? Old the dreaming leaves die, an Orange Summered Sundown and (Celestial) bright. Wait, wait until those rain Summered days that felt again like Autumn. 6/20-22/2003 Revised 6/7/2006 Painting Copyright 1998 T. Byron K.

Leaves quickly tremble in expectancy of August soon passing. Scattered rain from tropic borders blows sideways through lonely streets. [After noon-fall] a high, bright Autumn sun shifts in and out of parting storm clouds like forgotten memories. 8/30/2005 (from Light&Shadow) Painting Copyright 2006-T. Byron K.

Leaves quickly tremble in expectancy of August soon passing. Scattered rain from tropic borders blows sideways through lonely streets. [After noon-fall] a high, bright Autumn sun shifts in and out of parting storm clouds like forgotten memories. 8/30/2005 (from Light&Shadow) Painting Copyright 2006-T. Byron K.

Now the crossroads; and that Omen wind as a warm July rain out of stillness falls into August shadows- Taller corn shifts (into) this fading light. From "The Beginning of the End" Copyright 2003 T. Byron K.

The Fall Bringing the meadow or fruit where her audacious rumors confront the time around her, and the harvest has come before the seed and the night as slept next to you in the quietness of morning what was pure has done unspeakable earthly things again... Autumn 1993 From "Cities of the Mind" Painting copyright 1994 T. Byron K.

Closer to Heaven Record of Light Impossibility seething-[You said "I am-I just might"]. Yet still I imagine this rare becoming. Painting Copyright 1997 T. Byron K.

"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you." Isaiah 66:13 "It is plain that there are two classes in our educated community: first, those who confine themselves to the facts in their consciousness;and secondly, those who super add sundry propositions.The aim of a true teacher now would be to bring men back to a trust in God and destroy before their eyes these idolatrous propositions: to teach the doctrine of the perpetual revelation." R.W.Emerson-The Harvard Divinity School Address-- Upon the edge of Eternity~Standing now upon the other side of that cross; O this Love to conquer frozen darkness entirely amid the chances for newer prayer or Hell's violence/ as the latter light filters through those gently falling leaves[against this magenta September sky]- and Ghostly wanderings through stillness, in between later Summer's deep green descending/ as it is the Autumn of our enmity again/ soon tall grasses lilt and wither and we will wait inside this cause of Love/ Of your second coming again, O Lord/ So long and after the Fall- When our hearts will be entrusted to Forever. August 2000 Revised 11/20/2005 From "Advent-Omega" Painting-Copyright 1999 T. Byron K.

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act." -Psalm 37:5 Invisible becoming-relief into freedom/and I thought unto the Ends Of The Earth again...and into what will be.Where I have been; writing in darkness, beneath a silvery altar of stars/with the Angels astride circles of the far arching moon/ beside a lake of new flowers and brightness beside that cornered trying-inside where we have spoken of your only promise and may turn to trust you there again/ O Father of our miracled dreaming-I remember it all as if it were a glance, behind me now those reasons fraught within mystery of the chance we took inside Love/ as our being first connects above every wish and time returned to Heaven born, O First fruits against the shadow of that ancient garden's wall..Soft stone now broken in places/ and like a golden Autumn wind's impressible song, in a poem I can hear you calling to me again. 5/1/1999 Painting-Copyright T. Byron K. 1999

Advent-in all pure beginnings/ Single poem of our every dreaming. Evocation-defend this dream-a vision of shared emmanuel. O Silvery night of Astonished stars Arrive Angels, celestial Miracle, Star speak. And in the stillness they were saying; "Drop your time upon this earth mantle Of Eternity For it was vision that announced you...and days into Hours not ended, or faith evolved into Blood-becoming part of us." Autumn 1996 Copyright 2002 T. Byron K.

Selections from Advent (Omega) Poem 54, Ch. 5 Antichrist- Out of the depths of darkness quickening, why this fear wants me to offer up your bleakest Hell sent Hatred slipping in and out of your sleep again and the faintest bitter voices from beyond whisper a tragic rumor of your arrival and my deepening sadness a reflection of your dark prides consumption/ O Wicked One your feat of cruel daring a counterfeit from the beginning. Painting Copyright 1999 T. Byron K.

How radiant in rarest becoming, this Eastward Diamond Nova carefully reaching toward us- Shine, shine silver mystery star LOVE. One outward beaming curiosity, an End to the Intersession of Our every hope. And that fated night longing beneath a dazzled kingdom of sky they searched those high arches of white sand for the blessed dream child. O Ghostly whitest seeing eye, un stilled, gently glistening, you imagined first tendrils of every word- In poetry, the vestiges of every verse you sing, O toungue of only truth! Amid cool eternities of questions patience, your bride of un trampled snow softly held the answer. To you, Son of farthest reaching, seeking star, We offer gifts of Gold and perfumed air. Winter 1997 From "Advent-Alpha" Painting copyright 1996 T. Byron K.

Moonlit, ghostly child how do you dance the dark lonely miles? 1994 From Poems of the Infinite Dream *Also used as an album cover for the music group the spiritworld.Copyright 1994 T. Byron K.

O Bluest September dream, ever far> (I remember) your Brightest Mountains, and softly w/in the Sun stilling Meadow/ Lost Autumn Soliloquies of Moon & Star. 9/1-2/2006 From Va/West Va Poems Appalachia West, Acrylic on Canvas (2009)

What silver(ed) light through wintered window beckons me again? Heaven song- listen life star shone long against a breadth of night sky, O endless poem through the treachery of days departure Autumn long and new swift chilling air, [remember]. 12/14-12/15/2001 Searching fallen flowers scattered like forsaken Angels or a bright surrender of stars/ Milk drawn mists greet this later May morning, too soon [it seemed] for Autumn colours. 5/25/2008 Photo of Poem w/digital effect 2009