Poetry & Art

Flower fronds, forward, forward & a new bloom of Spring/ In a stilling silver flash, again beyond my old window- a far falling star is of Heaven born. 3/20/2010 Deeper amber, the dried lilac & nearly too soon to die. Crows through a sun- ribboned sky. 5/9-10/2010

With poems

sung of

a long



& feathers 

grey as 



the old




to my back


[just after


Poets haunt my window, amid nightshades, w/in the sweetness of sleep they greet me and each waking sound only moves me, remembering the *epitaph by Rilke, the sound of leaves caressing sunlight in the Garden near Bowles beach house, an aged mirror and beer soaked bathroom in Bukowski's flat, life arriving like an Angel, the beautiful mind etching of W.Blake, Soft breath, the second coming of Yeats' Christ, the fearful wasteland prophets smelling fresh ink, the solipsism of Eliot and Pound. Names breach the life game nothingness stains these pure pages. 1993 Photo of Poem w/effect 2009

O Angelic Sun wrought flowers-ageless and Heavenly white/O new daydream hours and unspeakable joy again…how you speak to me[ against a clockwork of piecemeal inspiration/against separation of the latter day dead and into no nocturne remission] Inside the uneven lines of death frought questions/this gleam of calming life contains your second coming. Heaven as your instant transposed, becoming eternity again. And let that Love be more real now-As Christ gives us everything again~ Drawn into the Heart that we may do Love’s bidding/ as real restoration of our Humanity/As Love of all being, in One truth-your miracled tenderness. 5/23-6/2 2000 Photo of Poem w/digital effect 2009

Our lives are like that in places

I can speak as softly as the snow.

And every door to your Heaven behind or against our eye's fragility. -- The light through the afternoon venetian a temple in ringlets upon my wall- [This is not profane] -- but only one sense; this desire to believe. -- and thoughts forever move to form the wish transcended. -- 1994 Photo of poem with digital effect 2009

as the gate of our vision has been opened. and we have tried to tear the given away from the invisible for here in the snow lighted field the road's turning seems easy yet the sky is frought with the million hues that only our eyes could understand What we have been given is already planned. cross the night toward the westward gleaming. From Night Crossing/ Poems of The Infinite Dream 1993 Photo of poem w/ digital effect 2009

Swallow rare wine, light the corridor (opened to sky at the end) or long labyrinth-the game, slowly, evenly playing odds with time; and Inside breaking the surface of some smaller ocean, miniature suns, or minaret halogen white crucifixions becoming super novas, trinities of chaos congeal the ancient but secret covenant like this beautiful flash of light, evolving itself, where eternity plagues those midnight Angels. The Poetry of hope wears the face of real sorrow. Tomorrow and tomorrow we must begin a Again. fearful of simplicity to know this rare truth. Autumn 1995 Photo of Poem w/digital effect 2009

In all expectations those ruminating violets behold this zenith as the prayer of Today's Heaven casts an illuminated poetry/of words-forgiveness, His name. golden halos of reproof/ the beckoning willow beset by an early Spring wind and you, my childhood friend again/ it's taken this long to begin-sundering one hope-this substantive kiss/ in faith our fire emerged out of long darkness/ Though snakes still glide/ or sift through this quickening mire. . . (We must have this newness of Love again a votive candle) If this birth beside the resurrected truth where emptiness could listen/ This space or a perversion once told--how darkly inside the derisive garden/ Why do the meadows roll still green within this weeping? Perhaps For what was stolen/ borrowed by false death-or brutal agony/ This laughing mask of Love's impostor.. O Insipid Angel-At last the day will arrive/w/in a rumor of gold silk/clefts of lightning and sharp purple clouds/ first light covered the thunder of trumpet calls-the advent of our Grace returning. Spring 1997 Revised 7/21/2008 Photo of Poem w/digital effect 2009 

Whispering willow weeps of wind, In an Autumn knowing the highlands quiet Into later evening, A vast October storm front is brooding Amid the black arches of bats/a fluttering moth rises White as Christmas stars And in the stilling hush beside the cemetery gate A lonely firefly alight for the last time. 10/12/2003 Photo of Poem w/digital effect 2009

Poets haunt my window amid nightshades

What silver(ed) light through wintered window beckons me again? Heaven song- listen life star shone long against a breadth of night sky, O endless poem through the treachery of days departure Autumn long and new swift chilling air, [remember]. 12/14-12/15/2001 Searching fallen flowers scattered like forsaken Angels or a bright surrender of stars/ Milk drawn mists greet this later May morning, too soon [it seemed] for Autumn colours. 5/25/2008 Photo of Poem w/digital effect 2009

New stillness beyond my old window as this grey(ing) day is moved to Heaven's tears. First bird-songs return to fill the trees, gone white again with "grief". With poems sung of a long Winter's end & feathers grey as February rain, the old Mocking- bird returns to my back gate [just after waking]. What wind spoken prayers will grace those barren trees-still black with Autumn's departure? One crow beyond my cold Window; Solitary [too] the snow -flakes, turning. Light&Shadow February 2010 Photograph of Poem w/digital effect 2010

Born into a "time of sorrows"/ walking miracle of dust & light within the within what of the untold poems? forget that anecdotal past Caveat of empty promise a dagger or pronunciation, the instability of Hell First Sunlight bursts Glorious meadow Blue Mtn. Ghost stories> the past whispers secrets Remedy, remedy anemic constructions Words arriving: too long. Look of glass, forgotten dream Word Muse tempted- sleight of hand Summered rain & hyacinth breathe Old Mtn. Ghosts calling- hello word memory & a hint of new poem I wanted something from all of you that you could never give Point of miracle & Infinite/ Heart of the center. Answer awaited- expect transformation soon. April 2005 June 2006 Revised April 2008 Photo of Poem w/ digtal effect 2009

Poem # 68 Shadows speak softly of another time-of words in verse or the rhyme of new seasons/As we all must turn toward this elegant divulging/ The importance of my returning hope, that you may bless the Sun weary day~ I could consider those vast blue spaces in some newness or Love/Above me now Autumn whispers amid gentle wishing yellow or crimson leaves and the dancing frost remembers a cool birth rite in those tall withered grasses. Far beneath the careful eye of the moon/ Strands of black starlings surge within the dream of warmer latitudes. Our salvation was always in a beginning/Circles of rust coloured mushrooms darken an Old grey log/The stark private sound of a clear silver stream seems an Angel’s lamenting. As the ordinary skies shine infinite amid this Holy art of an ancient Sunday. Late Autumn 1996 Revised 12/10/2005 Photograph with digital art 2010