Conference announcement
Description and Objectives
The discovery of slow earthquakes twenty years ago revolutionized understanding of how plate motions are accommodated at major tectonic boundaries. Slow earthquakes are a family of events that include slow slip events (SSE), tectonic tremor, and low frequency earthquakes (LFE). In some systems, SSEs occur together with tectonic tremor. When these events occur periodically, they are known as episodic tremor and slip, or “ETS”. Compared to regular earthquakes, the slip across a fault during a slow earthquake occurs slowly, but significantly faster than plate-rate creep. Slow earthquakes are observed predominantly near the plate interface of subduction zones and on transform plate boundary faults. They are often associated with ‘transitional’ regions at the edges of seismogenic zones, but occur both updip and downdip so encompass a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions. Understanding slow earthquakes is critical to developing better constraints on regional seismic hazards and may also provide information on the physical conditions and fault loading rates at depth.
Seismological, geophysical, and geodetic tools have been applied extensively to study the range of slow earthquake types, where they occur, their relations to each other, and the characteristics that distinguish them from regular earthquakes and creep. However, there are numerous outstanding issues regarding the basic processes that control slow earthquake characteristics. For example, what deformation processes and mechanisms are critical to their occurrence? What controls slip rates? Do all faults that host slow earthquakes share common physical characteristics? Are the multiple potential mechanisms for tremor and slow slip common amongst the different tectonic settings where these phenomena are observed, including subduction zones and continental transform faults?
The geological structures that formed during slow earthquakes and are preserved in exhumed systems can provide critical insights into the sources of slow earthquakes and how they interact with the regular earthquake cycle. Although different hypotheses are proposed on a regular basis in the nascent field of slow earthquake geology, there is no “smoking gun” evidence of slow earthquakes in the rock record. Reconciling the geophysical insights with geological observations is therefore an ongoing challenge, but it is increasingly clear that only field geological observations on exhumed structures can differentiate between models for slow earthquake occurrence, as geodesy and seismology cannot resolve the relevant length scales.
For this conference, we solicit contributions that use geological observations, lab measurements, or numerical models to aid in understanding the physics of slow earthquakes. We encourage researchers studying analog systems from any tectonic setting or metamorphic grade relevant to modern tremor and slow earthquakes to build a wide range of geological perspectives. Contributions that address outstanding questions regarding deformation mechanisms, limits on rates of deformation, and environmental conditions are encouraged. New multi-disciplinary approaches are needed to define the physical controls on slow earthquakes and to develop new insights into disparate datasets. For this conference, we aim to stimulate contributions from geological-focused, particularly field-based, investigators and to engage geophysicists with a range of backgrounds to define key unknowns and debate possible models.
Preliminary Outline of Thematic Sessions
1. Cutting-edge observations of slow earthquakes
2. Current understanding of the mechanics of slow earthquakes
3. Geological perspectives on slow earthquakes
4. Processes and physical properties of rocks that might be relevant to slow earthquake physics
5. Key unknowns in slow earthquake physics
6. The hypotheses for slow earthquake mechanisms
Poster sessions will be held every evening between talks and dinner, and will continue after dinner. Group discussions and breakout sessions will accompany all of the thematic sessions to promote cross-disciplinary interactions. One of the main goals of the meeting is to provide forum for geologists and geophysicists to discuss how the existing information from the rock record should be integrated with the geophysical insights, as well as what new geological observations are needed to develop our understanding of the physics of slow slip further.
Preliminary Agenda
This 5-day meeting will be held at the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, Santa Catalina Island, California. The meeting format will be a balance of invited talks, breakout discussions, pop-up talks, and poster presentations, with a day-long field trip occurring on Day 3. All nights will be spent at the Wrigley Institute. Participants will be expected to observe the GSA Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct throughout the meeting.
The meeting will begin with a ferry ride to Santa Catalina Island, followed by an icebreaker on the evening of Day 1, April 1. Day 2 will focus on plenary talks presenting cutting edge observations of slow earthquake phenomena, as well as mechanical insights from geophysical and numerical modeling studies. Geological characteristics of potential slow earthquake sources will be introduced. Days 4-5 will involve a combination of poster presentations, talks from participants, pop-up talks, panel discussions, and breakout groups to define hypotheses regarding the geological mechanisms of slow earthquake slip and explore interdisciplinary collaborations to further our understanding of slow earthquake phenomena. A return ferry will depart for the mainland targeting arrival around 5pm for evening flight departures from LAX.
Field trips
Day 3 will see an all-day field trip for all participants, taking in several exposures within ~30-40 minutes drive from the Wrigley Institute. Santa Catalina Island has extensive exposures of a metamorphic complex of Cretaceous age that is generally considered to be part of the Franciscan Complex. Protolith rock-types include graywacke, pillow basalt, chert, and serpentinite, which have been variously metamorphosed under blueschist, high-pressure greenschist, amphibolite, and eclogite-facies conditions at depths of 35-50 km and temperatures of 300-700°C in the Mesozoic subduction zone along the western North American margin. This range of depths and metamorphic temperatures encompasses the likely range of conditions found in the source areas for slow earthquakes on active margins such as Nankai or Cascadia, and beneath the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas fault. Deformational features include block-in-matrix melanges with sedimentary or ultramafic matrixes, as well as extensive tracts of coherent but strongly deformed rock showing polyphase folding, ductile shear zones, and a variety of deformational fabrics. On Santa Catalina Island, the Complex displays a variety of structural features that have been suggested as possibly associated with slow slip, including blocks of effectively rigid rock in a viscous matrix, sheeted vein complexes, and shear zones showing evidence for solution-redeposition creep associated with microfolding and dilational cracking.
Covid Contingencies
The meeting conveners are closely monitoring the ongoing pandemic and are considering how this might impact the conference. Additional requirements or changes may be imposed to help mitigate the risks.