VIBE lab
Welcome to Volcanology and Igneous Petrology @ Berkeley!
As I am building my lab, I am always interested in prospective graduate students and postdocs reaching out to me! My funding situation is very variable year-on-year, but there are always oppertunities to write grants together/explore options. If you are interested in working with me, please send an email with your CV and a few paragraphs about your interests and how they would fit into the VIBE lab.
My interests are very broad, spanning mantle melting, storage and transport of magmas in the crust, controls on eruption style, and the release of volatile elements into the atmosphere. I am also passionate about the development of Open-Source Python3 tools. I am setting up a Raman lab for measurements of melt and fluid inclusions, and will be getting a new FEG-SEM with EDS-WDS-EBSD. If you are interested in combining modelling and state-of-the-art microanalytical measurements, please get in touch!
Postdoc funding opportunities:
Miller Fellowship - Sept Oct deadline each year:
UC Presidents postdoctoral fellowship - Focus on diversity. . Nov 1st deadline
"The University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 1984 to encourage outstanding women and minority Ph.D. recipients to pursue academic careers at the University of California. "
NSF postdoctoral fellowship - US citizens/residents only -
We can write a standard NSF grant together with you as a listed postdoc (all nationalities!)
Microscope with heating and cooling stages
Heating and cooling stages and fluid inclusion microscope
We have a Olympus microscope (BX53MTRF-S ) with the Linkam THMSG600 and TS1400XY stages, supplied by McCrone technology and FI expert Jim Reynolds
These stages can be used for microthermometry of fluid inclusions (heating and cooling - THMSG600), and melt inclusion homogenization (TS1400XY) when combined with our SENTAG oxygen-stripping system.
Its also a beatiful microscope for doing petrography on!
WITEc alpha300R Raman microscope + calibration cell
We have an alpha300R confocal Raman spectrometer from WITEC, with 5, 20, 50 and 100X objectives. It can go to 50mW. We also have a custom built stage for a peltier plate, allowing easy heating of samples above the critical point of CO2
The wonderful Charlotte DeVitre (pictured) built a gas calibration cell, adapting on her design in DeVitre et al. 2021. This allows us to precisely determine the relationship between diad splitting and CO2 density bewteen 0 and ~1.05 g/cm3. In this cell, pressure and temperature are tightly constrained using a pressure tranducer and high precision thermistor.
Charlotte with her gas cell (March 23)
Custom stage for easy heating of samples to 37C
WITEc Raman with 532nm green laser
Sample Preparation Laboratory
We have a sample preparation lab designed for preparing melt and fluid inclusions. We have fully adjustable desks for accesability, with a number of different scopes, and polishing materials.