
In order to show who the Ducks of the Penducky Derby are in their off time and how they are as competitors we are collecting eclectic representations of Duck life (see below). We encourage all to submit to us at examples of art, music, video, etc. which capture the heart of this event. Such examples will be posted on this page.

Poster Contributions Requested

We would like to specifically request contributions to our poster which will be produced for the summer market opening. To this end please submit high quality digital images of drawings, original digital art, or other photography to us at which can be incorporated into our poster. Contributors will have their name assigned to one of our limited 2114 duck competitors.

The Life of a Penducky Derby Competitor

Penderites are eclectic as are the Ducks of the Penducky Derby. Watch this amazing video created by Kenta Kikuchi and Marina Garlick to get a taste for some of the Penducky Derby competitors in their natural environments.

Ducks About Pender

This space will be filled with contributions from the community as they come in.

From Joe Dunning

From Sara Gayle