
Artistic direction change - July 26, 2023 

New Artistic Direction unlocked

Byebye old graphics [2D]

New graphics [2.5 D]

We have made the decision to alter both the visual appearance and the spatial behavior of the game. Additionally, we intend to modify the render sort order to align with the YZ axis.

XY Plane - Isometric view 

XZY Space - Perspective view

First thing is to change 2D movement from XY into XZ plane ✅
(forget about the constant walking animation, it will be fixed later)

Grid and Navmesh set up - August 17,2023 

Sooooo now I need to re-set the Navmesh and Unity Grid facing 2 challenges:

First let's try to set up Unity Tilemap on a XZ Plane, and change cell layout. I also prepared 2 types of tile, one walkable and the other one not walkable.

Unit for a tile is 100 pixel for 1 cell size.

Would Unity Tilemap work in XZ plane? ✅ YES!

2D Unity grid on XZ Plane

Next is Navmesh Plus set up!
We set navigation modifier for each tilemap. One Walkable One Not Walkable

In the original Navmesh Plus basic setup (on an XY Plane), it's necessary to click on "Rotate Surface to XY." However, in our scenario, we omit this step. If you accidentally click on it, make sure to reset your Navmesh transform's Rotation X to 0.

We also have to set Default Area to "Not Walkable" in the Navigation Surface Component and try to hit bake.... 

Would Navmesh Plus work in XZ plane? ✅ YES!

I also tried some test for obstacles

Now that navmesh is set up.

Let's try to move our character and make NPC follow the player

But can the player traverse water? Well, he's not supposed to, so I pondered over how to handle tile colliders. (In the previous screen recording, each building had a 3D space Box Collider)

Would 2D Colliders work in XZ plane?Unfortunately No

Unity is not really made to make 2D on a XZ plane. As this thread suggest, I will need to manually spawn 3D box colliders for reach tiles (and optimize colliders later if needed)

Previous: DevLog#1 Next: DevLog#3

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