Behind the Tech

Birdview Technology

PELADRONE is further developing Birdview's technology by combining drones, sonar, and artificial intelligence (AI) with a centralized control system to dramatically increase reach and accuracy. Fishing boats utilizing the Birdview technology are able to efficiently locate a sustainable catch in a shorter time and with considerably lower emissions, engine wear, costs, and risks during their fishing operation.

The PELADRONE Solution

The PELADRONE solution will launch drones specially adapted to marine conditions prior to the fishing vessels departing the port. The drone will be able to fly stably in strong wind conditions as well as to take-off from and land on board support vessels and the sea. With the help of image processing (AI), the drone will be able to search for surface-related indicators. This will then enable potential catches to be identified at large distances. The drone is also equipped with a sonar device that will be lowered into the sea and with the help of AI to identify biological masses below the surface, e.g., type and quantity of fish, presence of bycatch. The drone then communicates this information to the control center, thereby providing real-time information to the fishing boat, giving the skipper an overview of the location of the nearest values. Data collection is done with the help of advanced sensor and detection systems that have been developed with the aim of streamlining the exploration phase, thereby reducing costs and time spent on biomass searches.